"The Gospel is, nevertheless, to be offered to all men, with the assurance that it is exactly adapted to the needs of all men, and that God has decreed that all who place their faith in Christ shall be saved by Him. No man is lost because of any deficiency in the objective atonement, or because God has placed any barrier in His way, but only because of subjective difficulties, specifically, because because of his own evil disposition and his freely exercised wicked will will prevent his believing and accepting that atonement" (Studies in Theology; pages 323-324).
Now, has God decreed the "ALL" who place their faith in Jesus, as "elect", or "all without exception"? If the former, then Dr Boettner's argument is faulty. Then he goes on to say, that "no man is lost", because of God "placing any barrier in his way", which again can only refer to the "non-elect", but, this reasoning is faulty, as the "barrier" that God has placed, according to Calvinism, is LIMITED ATONEMENT. IF, as this teaches, that Jesus Christ ONLY died for SOME, then this DOES become a "barrier" to those for whom He did not die. Dr Boettner, then accuses the person who does not accept Jesus, of having a "evil disposition" and "freely exercised wicked will", which again contradicts "Calvinism", which teaches that man does NOT have a "free will", to accept or reject the Gospel of Salvation, as their "fate" has already been predetermined.
This is a very confused individual. What Dr. Boettner doesn't understand is that the gospel call is supposed to go out to ALL MEN, clearly it doesn't, for billions have never read or heard of the gospel. Clearly the God who created the Heavens , and Earth could find a way to get the gospel to all men, but He purposely withholds giving them the gospel (IE Iran, China, etc.).
This does not mean that we are not to proclaim the gospel to everyone, but where in scripture do we find a "Invitation", it is not found, what is rather found is "Repent and Believe", a command, and this command goes to all, however not all are elect, so this call will only have some effect, namely those of the DEFINITE ATONEMENT. Limited Atonement is an unfortunate term, the Arminian term is even worse "Possible Atonement", that is even though it's clear Christ did not die for all (If He did all men's sins would be paid for, and God could never judge them again, IE if Hitlers sin were paid for by Christ, then they were paid for and he is in Heaven today.
"Possible Atonement" is what Arminians believe, that is Jesus died for a men, but possibly had no effect, why? For out of mans free will, which is stronger than God's free will they say, it's possible that N
NE COMES, this is no gospel, is heresy, and should be put in the category of theology of the Roman Church.
The bible teaches Definite Atonement, Eph 1, Romans 8&9, John 6, etc. That is God's plan cannot be faltered, those who were chosen before the foundation of the world were regenerated by God, and when they heard the gospel call responded, the repented and believed, while the non-elect hate the gospel, they willingly hate Christ and God.
The reason for confusion is only ignorance on the Arminian side, they try to make it sound like some, oh they'd love to come to God, but shoot they are non-elect, this is not Scriptural and not what we believe, the non-elect hate God, do not desire Him, and never will, there has never been a human in history who desired God who has been rejected. When you talk to a person about the Lord and he curse you and Christ, chances are He's non-elect.
Arminians keep trying, but this is amateur stuff, you can battle God all you wish, but you're only harming yourself, and insulting God. Jesus on the night of His betrayal, in His high priestly prayer, He prayed that all would come, right? Wrong, He prayed "Father I do NOT pray for the world, but FOR THOSE YOU HAVE GIVEN ME", study folks, and you won't fall into this anti-Christian heresy