From the OP
many say that he was a communist or that he was affliated with 60 Communist Fronts.
"Many say" is gossip, Gods word takes a dim view on gossip. Even if it is true, in this great country of ours a person has the right to choose the polical party the wish to support. That is what makes our country great. Even if it is the Communist party.
So his real name is Michael King not Martin Luther.
So what, he can be called what he wishes. My real name is not DeeJay, I doubt yours is Seeker. Why is this important.
King led a bizarre sex life which included acts of shocking perversion. It is widely known that King was a womanizing adulterer. He had a weakness for women and indulged in extramarital affairs.
Do you have any proof of this. If not it is more gossip. Even if you do have proof this is the sin of a dead man who has been judged by God, if true. The only reasons I can think of to publicly call out a persons sins are 1. if they are running for office that would place them in leadership 2. if they were encourageing others to follow in their sin. I would condone privately speaking to someone to urge them to repent of sins, but he is dead.
As a young boy King followed religion not Jesus. In his autobiography King states that he joined the church because of his desire to keep up with his sister.
"As a young boy" As a young boy I was a Mormon because all my friends were. Whats your point.
Martin Luther King may have had a religious experience, but he didn't find Jesus.
Is this a call you are alowed to make. Please enlighten us as to other historical figures that were not saved.
King denied the fundamentals of the faith such as; the bodily resurrection, virgin birth of Christ, and the deity of Jesus Christ.
Documentation please. If true I sugest you do not follow his doctrine. Still this is no reason to publicly degrade and gossip about a dead man.
King was also scornful of "fundamentalism" and uncritical of liberalism. He said that Christianity grew out of mystery religions.
This describes a multitude of people. Ben Franklin was a Deist should we start a thread bashing him.
King rarely preached about Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Instead, preached a social gospel using Black churches as his springboard.
Are there copies of MLKs sermons I can read. Not his political speaches. The sermons he preached on Sunday in Church.
From the information above he appears to me that King was no Christian but a heretic.
Again are we permited to judge anothers salvation.
I don't want to sound mean
Yet you do, this is one of the most hateful purposeless thread I have read since the bashing of Rosa Parks.
But should we look at him as a true Christian who called himself Reverend?
I do not think it is wise or purposeful to look back and judge for ourself if the dead were Christian or not. The Lord has already made that judgement, he does not need your help.
MLK holiday is not a religious holiday. It is not about a single individules doctrine or his political affiliation. It is a celebration of a struggle against injustice in this country. One of its main leaders was MLK and his name and face was attached to this struggle for the purpose of a holiday. When you attack MLK you send a message (intended or not) that you are attacking the civil rights strugle. If you want to deal with the sins a dead man commited then detach them and deal with them individualy with out bring the sinner into it. Remember we are all sinners.
I would encourage the moderators of this forum to look at this topic and the message it sends to lurkers. Ask, does this topic have a purpose that is worthy to be discussed here, and how will it edify the body of Christ.