I hate to say it because COVID-19 is bad and a lot of people have died....but "stay at home", people keeping "social distance", not gathering in large crowds.....this kinda suits my personality.Puh-leeze. Wild-eyed man repeats illogical argument:
"Forty-five thousand people die of car accidents, 480,000 from cigarettes, 360,000 from swimming pools each year but we don't shut the country down for this."
Driving cars is a choice. So is smoking cigarettes. Going swimming is a choice. Catching the coronavirus because you touched the filing cabinet handle at work--not a choice.
"Loneliness actually creates problems. People that 'suffer' from loneliness are 29% more likely to have coronary heart disease. We think we are saving people's lives by keeping them locked up?"
Yeah, sure, Phil. No one's "locked up". Go outside. Go for a drive. Pick up your telephone and call someone if you're lonely. Visit your neighbor (from 6 feet away.)
What a bunch of hooey.
You guys are buying this while 2,500 people a day are dying.
I'm also eating better, made the best Tom Yum soup I've ever had (the green curry was just OK, but the soup was A+).
I do not have to put on a suit and tie and work remotely from home.
This is the first time in my life that it is good to be an introvert. Just let guys like me enjoy it a little longer.