Three Minutes of Fame - So Use It for Good (July 4, 2021)
15) Remember, even with the adverse events - Robert is not anti-vax. He does not believe that this experimental vaccine should be administered to children, particularly without parental consent or by coercion (no school, if no vaccination - for instance).
16) He wants the adverse events collected - right now, approval of the vaccine is going to happen without the adverse events known completely. That is wrong.
17) The adverse event collection needs to happen like it does for a normal experimental vaccine. Not be voluntary - but a group of trial subject are followed and monitored after inoculation.
18) That the FDA analyze these vaccines as a gene therapy product, as well as a vaccine product. That the duration of the protein being made be determined. That the amount of protein being made is determined. That repro-tox be done and these results released to the public. These companies know these should be analyzed as such (their SEC filing says gene therapy product) and that this should happen. The government is either very naive, sloppy or in the arms of big pharma ("regulatory capture")...
...Robert has people interested in what he has to say right now and he has his three minutes of fame - he is trying to use it for good.
While we can argue about the right way to describe who is
the inventor, and whether Dr. Malone is trying to take too much credit, it appears to me that he is no quack, really and truly knows something about mRNA technology, and his counter views are worth considering in trying to make sense out of a lot of what does not make sense.