What I don't understand is doctors will say, "Check it only if you're feeling funny," or "no need to check it more than once a week, at most," or "you should never check it more than once a day, if that."
These statements make no sense to me! If you are newly diagnosed as having diabetes, wouldn't the exact opposite be the case?
In other words, wouldn't you want to check your blood sugar at least three times a day, so you could closely monitor how well you're doing with your newly discovered chronic health condition?
Wouldn't positive feedback encourage you to continue on your journey to managing your serious health issue?
And wouldn't discovering your blood sugar is extremely high help you to take your diabetes seriously, and not have a lackadaisical attitude toward your health?
Doctors!! At times, I am sorely vexed with them! Lol
Most who have developed type 2 Diabetes still have the ability to produce insulin. So the body still regulates sugar, but since the body has had so much sugar pushed into it, it now “thinks” that a higher unhealthy sugar level should be maintained. So, doctors are usually not worried about the sugar level every hour like a type 1 diabetic. They are more worried about the a1c level - long term damage caused by high sugar levels.