My mom got me some pasta dinners made out of vegetables. I started to cook one....then realized that it was the wrong package....I was cooking my mom's instead. Whoops. No wonder the label didn't say "made out of vegetables" on it. I stopped the microwave and put the half-heated dinner back in the freezer, while getting one of mine out.....
It' Not as good as actual pasta. But edible.
Oh. What do you think on the subject of diet causing diabetes? It's considered a contributing factor, but according to what I'm reading they don't have much idea what causes type 2 diabetes, aside from diet, exercise, and genetics being contributing factors. Supposedly you can't get type 2 without it being in your genes first.... And then, of course, as we've discussed, some medications can also cause it...
Just bringing it up, because one of the support groups I'm in on facebook insists that I didn't give myself diabetes, that there's too many factors involved to get caught up in self blame. (Not that I'm doing that. I think I'm handling this quite well.) Of course, the other support group seems to be on the opposite end of the spectrum, that most people will eat themselves into getting diabetes at some point.
(I'm in two groups, one for the "plate method", and the other for using the keto diet to put diabetes in remission. I'm not doing the keto diet (too high in fat and not good for heart health), but at the time I joined I was just looking for ideas.)
All that said. You can be perfectly healthy, at a good weight, exercising, not eating sweets, and still end up with type 2 if it's in your genes.