If I were a member of JohnDeer's church and I wanted to discretely bring in a bottle of water I would. If they don't like it then tough. Bring me up on church discipline charges.
We would, but not over a bottle of water. Your statement is a clear indication of a rebellious spirit.
This idea of "I'm going to do what I want to and I dare them to stop me" isn't consistent with a heart that's been regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
I wonder if Paul ever said when he was in the fellowship of Jews, "If I want to eat pork and violate the Sabbath, I will. If they don't like it, tough!" Or, if when he was in the company of gentiles, whether or not he stuck to the law and insisted that they do the same. No, I don't think he did. Every indication I can find is that he did his best to honor the customs and traditions of those he was with in order that they not be offended.
Show everybody exactly the kind of people you are and the kind of things you really focus on.
Is it a bad thing to show reverence for God? I mean, I realize this is BaptistBoard, which has adopted the Church-of-do-What-You-Want-To as their home fellowship, but is it really such a bad thing to act as though we're gathered to hear the proclamation of God's Word?
Seems I missed that rule somewhere in my study of the Bible. I wonder why?
My guess is that, like the vast, vast majority of people here on BaptistBoard, you've never read it.
I'm right. You are more worried about the fact that I'd dare to bring in a bottle of water into your sanctuary.
I'm more worried about the spirit your attitude shows.
You are more worried about pointing out my supposed rebellious spirit than worship.
Yes, going on the assumption, which seems to have less and less evidence behind it with each post, that you are a brother in Christ, we are worried when a brother is in sin.
Maybe one day I'll grow up
I certainly hope so.
By the way, I wouldn't bring in a bottle of water to your worship service.
I would hope not, but you've already said that you would and even told us that you would do so defiantly.
Your emphasis is not on worship but on following rules.
That's true. We are very concerned with following the rules God has given us for worship.
Generally, in such churches getting up and going to the bathroom in the middle of a service is frowned on too. This guy is just simply out of luck I guess.
I've never heard of that being the case.
My doctor has me on orders to drink over 100 ounces of water a day.
If no water bottle is allowed then I wouldn't come.
I've never had anyone in a service say anything about me having a water bottle in any church I have attended/visited.
The point isn't to punish you for having a bottle of water. Obviously, we're not talking about people who have a medical issue. but about people with issues of the heart, such as those like sag, who look at their "right" to treat the sanctuary as a causal place.
If you really have an issue where your health is put in jeopardy, then I really can't imagine anyone having a problem with you having a bottle. But would it really be that much of an imposition to ask you to go one hour without a bottle of water? And if so, then what do you do at night when you're asleep? Or couldn't you just quietly slip out the back to go get a drink?