Shiloh, I personally consider smoking a horror and gambling to go against loving one's neighbor as oneself.
I have a son-in-law who was the victim of a drunk driver and is now a paraplegic in a wheelchair. I used to work in a long-term hospital which was filled with alcoholics. I am VERY aware of the dangers and damage of overdrinking.
I taught school for almost thirty years. By ten on any given morning I could tell you which kids had either not had breakfast or had had primarily sugar in one form or another for breakfast. They were asleep. Sugar highs and lows also act like drugs.
I have had a series of major surgeries and three times in my life have had to go through morphine withdrawal. That is hell on earth. I know what drugs can do -- even legal drugs under controlled circumstances.
And so I am extremely careful about the medications I take. I am extremely careful about the foods I eat. I don't now and have never smoked. As Johnv knows full well, I am totally against gambling.
SO, your personal attack aside, which you had no right to make, I can see that it is the abuse of just about anything which is wrong. But wine is wine in the Bible, and recommended in some instances and simply used in others, even by our Lord Himself.
As He said Himself: "For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.' [note: if John was not drinking any liquids at all, he would be dead long before that time! The reference is clearly to drinking wine, especially in reference to what follows.] The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners."' But wisdom is proved right by her actions."
Now, of course John was eating and drinking SOMETHING to stay alive! So that was not the point. The point was WHAT he was eating and drinking. What Christ was eating and drinking were the standard fare of the day, and that included wine, or He could not have been accused even by the most absurd stretch of the imagination of being a drunkard or wine-bibber! In the same way, had He not been willing to attend feasts, such as the marriage at Cana, then they could not have accused Him of being a glutton! Both of these accusations, false though they were in their implications, were based on the fact that our Lord was eating and drinking in a manner normal to the time. That VERY much included fermented wine.
There is strong indication that there is a genetic component to alcoholism for many. Where this is known or suspected it is very wise to abstain altogether. I would certainly agree about that. However where there is not a problem with that or with the escapism or 'machoism' or whatever with having too much, wine is one of the safest medications there is, as well as being a perfectly acceptable beverage to have in small amounts with food.
Do I act like the world? My family calls me the religious nut -- I come from a non-Christian family. So I guess I don't act like THEIR world, anyway! Our neighbors are very aware that we are not the ones to invite to cocktail parties, so they seem to be making the distinction, although we are all still quite friendly.
Do I look like the world? The only picture you have seen of me is, I think, this one. It was taken five years ago on the day I married Barry. I'm sorry if that seems worldly to you. My habit is to dress quite modestly, and I don't think that is terribly 'worldly'.
Do I drink like the world? Well, the last glass of wine I had was at least two months ago...and I never have more than 3 or 4 ounces at a time. If you think that is drinking like the world, you have got some serious looking to do!
And I know I am saved. I know my Lord and I know the Holy Spirit dwells within me. I know that my influence on others has encouraged them to become more sure in their faith and has led some to the faith in Christ which saves. I know God is working in me and through me to impact the world around me. I have watched Him do it and am in awe of His grace and power.
You know from experience I will mock you? I have not mocked you. I apologize if anything I have said comes across that way. However you have called me a drinking babbler and implied many other rather nasty things about me. As you have judged, you will be judged. Be careful, my friend.