Typical pret reaction to Scriptures that prove their doctrine false is to reduce those Scriptures to "figurative/symbolic" status. There's not a quark of evidence to support such a reduction of Matt. 24:29, especially as the surrounding verses are quite-literal.Jesus used "prophetic hyperbole" in Matthew 24:29. You find similar phrases in Ezekiel 5:9, Isaiah 13:9-10, etc. Heavenly bodies often symbolize earthly rulers and governments. Obviously the events of AD 70 fulfilled these local events.
No; it's from Matt. 24:30.I am assuming the "tribes of the earth" quote is from Revelation 1:7.
No such proof. "Tribes" refers to various peoples of various nations, and "earth" refers to the planet on which we live.This is actually one of passages I use to prove that Revelation was written before Jerusalem's destruction (probably 66-68 AD). The "tribes" refers to the Jews, and "the earth" to Judah.
Better dig a little deeper. It refers to motions in the cosmos as seen from earth.As I mentioned earlier, the "powers of the heavens" is symbolic language for earthly rulers.
Nupe; the beast was neither. He hasn't yet come.The Beast was not just Nero, but also Rome. As such, the Beast was very present in Jerusalem.
Howdya know? Hasn't happened yet.Just as the seal of the 144,000 was not a physical mark,
Hasn't happened yet, either. But it'll be physical.neither was the mark of the beast.
The marka the beast will almost certainly be some sorta microchip. The world is headed for it now, as it becomes more & more cashless.Did they literally have names written on their foreheads? Of course not. In Revelation 13:16-17, only those Jews who aligned with the Old Covenant system were "marked" for access into the Temple.
Jesus said that because he knew the coming AOD will somewhat imitate the first one-the temple will be entered by an unbeliever, a statue will be set up, & the beast will end the sacrifices, while declaring himself God.You are correct in that those prophecies MUST be fulfilled to the letter with no exceptions. You are absolutely correct regarding Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who was only a foreshadow of the AOD. This is precisely what happened. This is why "let the reader understand" is included in the Olivet Discourse. The reader of the prophecy (Daniel 9:27) is to understand what is happening before his eyes. Gabriel told Daniel that "He (Christ) will make a firm covenant with many" which would be broken "in the middle of the week" (when He was crucified). The "one who makes desolate" is the same as the "Man of Sin" in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 - Nero. Nero didn't need to physically be there, as they set up emperor worship.
You don't understand it because you're looking at it from a false pret viewpoint. It's all future events.I will admit that I don't understand some of the imagery in Revelation 13, but I will take a stab at it. The beast coming up out of the earth (v. 11) is the False Prophet, who I believe was Apostate Israel. The "fire from Heaven" was most likely firebrands that the Roman army used to attack Jerusalem. The "image of the Beast" probably refers to Vespasian's image that was displayed by the Romans. The Beast (Rome) was "killed" by Nero's suicide, and "came back to life" under Vespasian's rule.
That's because the Olivet Discourse is literal. The temple & J were destroyed. There's been war, rumors of war, many little antichrists, storefront Jesuses, & false prophets, and also famines, pestilences, & earthquakes. These have all been LITERAL, of course! No reason to believe Jesus switched gears & went from literal to symbolic-SHAZAM!-that quickly!Yes, the Scriptures are very plain, and symbolism is easily recognized as such. It is for that very reason I wonder why you don't see the symbolism that is in the Olivet Discourse. Beyond that, I really don't get how you could see most of Revelation as literal.
The Partial Preterist view regarding the Great Tribulation is that is was a local event. Jesus "returned" in judgment on Israel in AD 70, but His actual 2nd Coming is still in our future. (At least we can agree upon that last part).
The PP view is totally wrong. I have 3 sets of encyclopediae in fronta me, as well as many other works of history, and there's not one peep in any of them suggesting that any of the events except those listed above have occurred yet. No disrespect meant, but I can prove my assertions while no pret can prove his/hers.