Ok, let me stop you right there. If they are all born totally depraved then why would it be necessary for God to 'specifically arrange' anything to 'preoccupy' them so as to prevent them from coming to repentance? They are BORN unable to come according to Calvinism, so why does he make such arrangements? Why does he speak in parables, etc?Job Chapter 21 and Psalms 73 both are indicative of the sort of passages from the O.T. I was trying to think of wherein God specifically arranges it for certain people to have good fortune and happiness to preoccupy them so they will not come to repentance
I know why. He doesn't want them to repent at that time. Many of the same people who yelled "Crucify Him!" are the same ones who come to faith in Acts 2 after the powerful gospel is preached and the HS is poured out. Prior to that the people were clearly being blinded from the truth about who Christ was.
That wasn't the point I was making. I was referring to Christ used of a child as an example of what we must become like in order to enter the kingdom. Children are hardened. They are lost, and in need of reconciliation, but not hardened. "Do not let your hearts GROW hardened."You ask why does Jesus say become like a child if we're all born lost. I wasn't aware that calvinism ascribed to baby's going to hell but not sure I do.
Not really. I understand that Calvinists affirm the need for means...i.e. an elect man must still hear the gospel in order to believe its message. But I'm asking about the PURPOSE of such means as envy, which is said to PROVOKE their wills. Why provoke the will of a totally depraved person? What will that accomplish? Nothing according to your system. Signs and wonders will accomplish nothing in your system. They can't convince anyone unless they are first regenerated, thus the purpose of such means is lost. They serve NO real purpose.Your'e asking why Paul was making efforts to win people over like the Jews by various strategems such as provoking them to envy. This is directly related to the whole idea of why Paul or anyone makes any effort at all if everything is predestined. That's all you're really asking.
Its natural to think that someone who disagrees with you just 'doesn't get it.' In fact, I'm feeling much the same way about you. But I was Calvinistic for about a decade of my life. Some doubt the reality of this as they can't grasp the concept that someone might understand a position but actually chose to reject it. In my experience, very few Calvinists actually understand the scholarly perspective of their opponents. They came out of ignorance into their understanding of Calvinism and really have never explored any of the other alternative interpretations of their proof texts.My whole position on this (whether its called Calvinism or whatever) extends directly and straightforwardly by inference from God's attributes of omniscience and omnipotence. Either you get it or you don't. I have no idea why so many people such as you don't get it.
For example, most Cals I know today still think that all scholarly non-Cals believe that God looks down the corridors of time to see who will believe in Christ and then elects to save them. If that was the only alternative view to Calvinism then I'd still be one today.