How does "a man I once knew" define a major doctrine like Calvinism. Anecdotal at best, pure intentional fallacy if we do not give the benefit of the doubt. I hear this "type" of argument constantly... "He believes, she believers" and yet no one actually turns to the recorded doctrines of the subject matter at hand -- and preferably those argued via scriptural exegesis. They exist. Search them out before taking a stand on a doctrine that is truly little understood.
He claaimed to be a Calvanist. That their former Pastor as a Calvanist taught it that way. Their are many who believe this. A pAstor I knew taught Calvanism the way this man believed it. Most folks associate Calvanism to this belief. When in the TULIP doctrine in Calvanism was developed after Calvans death by his followers. Calvin never taught that way but it is associated to his name because his followers became known as calvanist.
I am a Calvinist and I agree with volitition. God is NOT deterministic in a fatalistic sense as is so often pressed in these debates. Of course, I neither wish to argue my own point of view lest I fall into the trap I just mentioned. The position of true Calvinism is that God allows His creatures free moral agency -- BUT -- that He ABSOLUTELY knows their every move, thought, word, deed, belief and that ALL OF THOSE already fit within the plan He wills for His Creation. To say less is to make God to be something other than God, and perhaps that is the intention. ANYTHING that moves God from a position on His throne as divine sovereign over all is an attack on that same God.
But most folks like to bring in the TULIP's or DoG into these. The big problem most folks have is they assume if you say you are Calvnist they think 5 point. If one says they aren't Calvanist they are accused of being Arminian. There are many who are neither 5 pointers nor Arminian. I and it seems you fall into that catgory of not following the TULIP concept. God saves us by Grace and elects us due to foreknowledge.
Interestingly, every doctrine that gives human beings the POWER to make their own choice in the matter ALSO gives those same humans the POWER to reverse that choice. To suggest otherwise is to be logically inconsistent. But, I can understand why some would want their cake on a pedestal, but to slice and eat as well. Sorry... Doesn't work that way.
There in you missed the point. God has elected those who accept Christ How, by Baptism, Baptism of and with the Holy Spirit. That means when man has made the decision once to choose Christ and truly received Him that person is sealed by the power of God. Can one choose to fall away from service, Annaias and Sapphira did, Paul said the man living in sin though saved should be turned over to satan for destruction of the flesh yet the soul of that man was saved. God does the work of Salvation not man, but man must make the choice to accept or reject Christ.
You have just SOLIDLY placed MAN upon the highest throne, for God cannot act of His own accord unless or until MAN decides. Placed in the terms I just used that equates to blasphemy and everyone knows it -- which is why the arguments are convoluted and encased in nuance instead of plainly made.
God is omnipotent He can do whatever He wills, guess what He willed that men should chose for Him or against Him in order to determine their eternal home. Interesting you say Paul was guilty of Blasphemy for He said in
Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
Seems Paul says God knew the choice someone would how did God foreknow us?
to have knowledge before hand
to foreknow
of those whom God elected to salvation
to predestinate
See the very first thing the word means "to have knowledge before hand"
He knew you and I before hand, before we were born he knew us. He knew the choices we would make. He knew we would choose for Christ and because of that he did Predestinate us, He called us, he justified us and He glorified us, why because He knew us beforehand. How is that blasphemy? To see God as Omnicient and knowing us before hand. How is that placing man on the highest throne and not having God act of His own accord. His Omniscience in knowing our choice has lead to Him Presdestinating us. That is all the act of God. We could choose Him all day long and He wouldn't be obliged to save us, to call us, to elect us, but Because He is omniscient He did all those things based on his Knowing us Beforehand and rewarding us for the choice He knew before hand we would make.
My answers in BOLD