Tom Bryant
Well-Known Member
Sorry, I didn't see your question in your earlier post.
I do not believe Iraq will be more peaceful with Saddam out of power. It has not been peaceful so far. Also, and I pray that I am wrong, when we[ we being the US] are really gone I, believe there will be a huge bloodbath in Iraq as opposing forces try to take control of the country. The opposing Sunnis, Shea , the Kurds will play their part in this violence. Iran, Syria and other Mid-Eastern countries and interest groups will also play a role in this upcoming disaster.
Also, when talking about Saddam we must remember he was, to a large degree, a creature of our making. Without US help in he would not have survived the Iran-Iraq war.
Don't believe I ever said that and I must say it is an extreme stretch to think I did. There is quite a difference between civil law enforcement and military war.
Show me where Jesus said or indicated that war is acceptable. Remember he did not engage in political activities, nor did he encourage his followers to do so.
Why didn't Christ advocate warfare against Rome?
Why didn't he advocate terror tactics against Roman soldiers stationed in Israel?
Where did he say to 'hate your enemy'?
I don't believe I ever said that you said the great commission. I am relatively sure you didn't.
You love to argue by using hyperbole.
He didn't advocate warfare against Rome because he was the one who would tell Paul to obey the laws of Rome (Romans 13). Which is the same reason he didn't advocate terror tactics against Rome.
No one has ever said that Jesus wanted people to hate their enemies. But he never commanded pacifism. He practiced the Biblical use of violence when he fashioned a whip and drove the money changers out of the temple.
Paul was clear about the power of the state to bear the sword. This is not just a reference to capitol punishment but also the state's ability to make war.
Jesus would not have been against war since He was the one who commanded the nation of Israel to wage war against the pagans in the Palestine. He certainly would not have been against war since at the end of time he will wage war against the enemies of God.