No, that doesn't make sense to me either. Back when I was a Calvinist that is exactly what I thought too. I thought the fore-seen faith view of election was ridiculous...I still do. I honestly thought that was the only viable option to Calvinism, which is why I was a Calvinists.
I had heard of the the so-called 'corporate' view and I thought I understood it, but my pat answer to those who started down that road was "well, corporations are still made up of individuals" and I left it at that. I didn't fully understand this perspective and so I rejected it without giving it a full hearing and an objective look.
Since then I've learned that the corporate view DOES NOT negate dealing with individuals, as I once believed. I would encourage you to fully vet that view before dismissing it completely. I'd be happy to hash it out with you if you want and even if you still didn't accept it at least you would fully understand its claims.
True. Which is troublesome for those who believe "its all God" and ''nothing of man." And the reason I believe Cals try to affirm both statements of the OP despite the issues created.
Well lets take each of those one at a time:
1. God chose to permit men to freely respond to his appeal for reconciliation
We are not talking about man's ability or willingness to seek God, we are talking about his ability to willing respond to a God actively seeking him. So, while you may be able to prove with scripture that man would never 'pick up the phone and call on God' (so to speak), that doesn't in any way prove that man is unable to answer the phone when God calls. Make sense?
2. God chose to permit men to freely respond to his appeal for reconciliation
but you are dead in your trespasses and sins
What better answer to that problem than a powerful Holy Spirit wrought life-giving message of reconciliation? After all, the 'truth will set you free.' Think about this for a second, why send a appeal for reconciliation to those not enabled to willingly respond to it? Why only send an APPEAL to those who are already made new by the work of regeneration? They don't need to be appealed, they just need to be told.
3. God chose to permit men to freely respond to his appeal for reconciliation
but no one can come to me unless the father draws him.
What means does God use to draw, invite, appeal, enable men to come to Christ? The gospel.
Consider the fact that the gospel appeal wasn't sent until Christ was lifted up and the Holy Spirit was sent down at Pentecost. Prior to that point the mysteries of the kingdom were being hidden in parables, and kept secret from 'those on the outside.' Why? "...lest they repent and be saved." God knew the gospel would enable those who heard it to be reconciled and He didn't want them to be reconciled UNTIL after they crucified Christ. Make sense?