No, just an illustration of how people who could not accept his victory will say anything to destroy the man and his Presidency. They thought up the charge of "collusion" out of thin air and the verbal assaults on him have been unrelenting from calling him Hitler on a daily basis, to him actually wanting people to be killed here in America by mass shooters.
They call him an anti-Semite. Yeah right, the man whose son-in- law, daughter, and grandchildren are Jews, the man who finally moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
They say he is Putin's man in Washington. Yeah right, the man who sent lethal aid to the Ukrainians so they could effectively defend themselves against the Russians, the man who deployed U.S. troops to Poland and the Baltic states in response to Russian provocations. Do those actions sound like President Trump is working for the Russians?
Lies, lies, and more lies from the Democrats and the left is all we get- and that is the truth of the matter.