Here is something interesting about election. Jesus Christ was the only person who was elected before the foundation of the earth. Election has to do with being a son of God. There were no individual sons of God for the first 4000 years of human history except 1, and his name was Adam. He was the son of God. Lk 3:38. However, he was created by God and he was not elected. He began his life as the son of God, but not by any birth, and could not be" born again,"
UNLESS being born again means what it meant when God
BREATED life into his body and he became a
LIVING soul. We now know without a doubt that the life of God is his Spirit and he/it is given to believers in Jesus as a gift to be received by faith in him and his person and work.
I want to pause here and say thank you Jesus for taking care of my sins so I can be a son of God, having received the Spirit and become a
LIVING soul. I was a soul but now I am a
LIVING soul, having received the life of God, his Spirit to indwell my body.
Fast forward to the birth of Israel in Egypt, God's type for the world. In Exodus chapter 4 God says Israel is his son, his first born son. Obviously he is not speaking of individuals but corporately Israel is his son. God elected this son. He did not elect individuals and those who were separated from the collective were considered dead, because that is the definition of death. One can read in the Pentateuch about those individuals who were cut off or in danger of being cut off from the collective and being reckoned dead by God.
During this time, all the way up to the resurrection, individual Israelites were reckoned as "servants." They were not reckoned as sons because they did not have the life of God. Neither did this child that was born in the deserts of Egypt. This son was born of the flesh and did not have the life of God to indwell the corporate body. Later, in John 15/17 (one should read it now) Jesus said he had called his disciples servants but now he is calling them friends. In 1 John 1-3 he calls them sons of God and thus the trinitarian signature falls upon this doctrine.
It is God's intention and will be the eventuality that the son of God, Israel, who was born after the flesh, will be regenerated and born of God collectively and corporately as well as individually so there will not be a single living Israelite that does not possess the life of God in their being. God will save his son, whom he has elected, from their sins. This is the context of Romans 7:1 through Romans 11:12 as he explains his program and how they fit into it during this age when he is saving individual gentiles who will believe in him.
This does not negate his promise of election of his son and anyone who thinks it does should consider if God could change his mind about his election of Israel he can also change his mind about those of you who thinks that he has elected you. I would fear if I were you.
When Jesus Christ first began his ministry at his baptism, John the Baptist was baptizing the nation individually in water to symbolize the physical cleansing of the people in preparation for their new birth. It was a symbolic act that showed the heart of each person and many did not submit. But John said there is another baptism in the future and it is a baptism of fire that will purge out the chaff and leave only the wheat of the harvest. It will be at the end of this purging that Israel will be born again nationally, meaning every Israelite left living will be saved. Psalm 12 says there will be seven different fires in this purging and at the end there will be few left. The son will then be not just the son of Abraham but the son of God.
I have not given scriptures for proof because of the length but I can.
In todays age, God is electing only those who receives his gift. and who the Spirit who indwells them has immersed into the body of Christ. This is true of both Jews and gentiles and they are one family "in Christ." I am going to quote two passages, one concerning gentiles and one concerning Israel to prove this is true.
13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning (of this age) chosen you to salvation (deliverance)
through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,
2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through
sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.
There is no election in this age without the Spirit and you Reformed are too intellectually advanced to let lesser minds than yours convince you of something that is not true.
Strangers are individuals who are out of their homeland. This is true of the ten tribes of Israel as well as some from Judah since 722 BC.
The scriptures have a historical and a prophetical context and is not just a religious work. There is a grand plan you are missing. I am trying to help.
Isaiah 45:4
For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.