Originally posted by mcgyver:
During Roe v. Wade.....How many pulpits were silent?
In the controversy of gay-unions....How many pulpits are silent?
In the passing out of condoms in our schools instead of teaching abstinence....How many pulpits are silent?
I would not deign to tell our congregation who to vote for, but I will address the issues and stand on those issues from a Christian perspective.
These things are even happening among the church going people because those people do not know their Bible and who God is. They have had more input from the world then from their Bible. I have actually been in services and people will tell me why they disagreed with the preacher. So the preacher communicated nothing. Then I would tell the person why I agreed or disagreed. I did some work for a man who went to the same church I did at the time and after one of the sermons he told me how he disagreed with the pastor. Well I did too. The pastor told the congregation how it was a sin to drink wine. The man asked me how I felt the pastor would deal with Jesus. I took the man to 1 Cor . 8 and dealt with him on the basis of not being an offense. The man had several cases of beer in his home piled up. He threw everyone out in front of me.
If we tell people out convictions that just may tell them what we believe but fail to teach what scripture teaches. People have little trouble making a decision when they know what the Bible teaches in its context and why.
The problem is when I pastored I did not have much time to spend on problems. People are going to hell. When we realize that then we will understand the urgency of the message and how little time we have. Those issues are smokescreens overshadowing the real problem. Preach on the real problem. That is where the preacher preparation begins.
I have never seen a person who was growing in love with Jesus ever have a problem with those issues. Just ask a prostitute who comes to Christ. A few years ago I led a stripper and a man who played in bars to Christ. A few months earlier he had played his instrument in the Superbowl. Both of them left those jobs due to their own conviction before God. However at the time they wanted the positive support of Christians as they left. They asked us to pray for them as they went to tell the people they were associated with. There were a lot of things that were unknown to them as they decided to leave. The big one was finances. Today, both of them are dynamic witnesses for Christ. The man leads the music and is in charge of discipleship in a growing church and doing a great job.We must give people time to wrestle with God.
To preach on those issues is to treat the congregation as small children. When my daughter was a little child she knew those things to be wrong. By the time she was in fifth grade she debated those issues in class when they had debates in the course of their study.
I think the people who will stand by and listen to those issues tells something about their maturity. Why should we be preaching the obvious when we should be dealing with the tough issues that people do not understand?
I have seen people who have spent years in church and have never shared their faith. I also led a person to Christ a few years ago and within an hour he called many of his friends to come over for a party just so he could tell them what I told him. Within the week he led some of his friends to Christ.
Very few Christians know little about the purpose of why Matthew was written and why there are two demoniacs in Matthew and one in Mark and Luke.
The Mormon church is growing at about 200 to 250 per week and they are getting mostly Baptists and Catholics. Why? Because they do not know their Bible. Just because a pastor speaks on an issue dopes not mean the people will learn anything or hold that same conviction.