I can kinda understand where he's coming from, though....
Because, earlier this year, when I was trying to leave my old church but felt like I couldn't because my mom was so against the idea and I didn't want to cause too much of a stir, especially considering we had recently had a death in the family?
Yeah, we had us a few emotional and frustrating discussions and it just hurt that she thought she had done a horrible job raising me and that I was somehow straying off the path by rejecting what I had come to consider to be legalism. Even though none of my core beliefs had changed.
It was very, very tempting to demonize her beliefs, demonize my childhood church...and for a while I was very confused...I believed they had a right to their beliefs, but wanted to think badly of them because of how frustrated and hurt I was.
Later on when things began to calm down and I was able to peaceably find another church, I realized I had judged them too harshly, even if it had mostly been in my mind.
Putting too much emphasis on trivial, legalistic matters can definitely turn people away, but it'd be unfair to lump them all in that category.
IMO, my childhood church teaches mostly legalism and puts way too much emphasis on it in their sermons, which is why I don't attend there anymore; while in my mom's opinion it's all Biblical. But? Having known them personally, they're good people and they do care about you.