Originally posted by Link:
The Bible never warns us against church music being too manipulating, emotional, or involving the emotions. SO this should not be our primary concern.
New Testament doesn't mention church music at all. So your point is moot. It has not relevance. It says nothing about classical, nor does it say anything about punk. The fact is that we know from history that the early church did not use any musical instruments at all.
Having said that, the emotional appeal of music is not our primary concern the Word of God is always central in the church.
The Psalms say 'play skillfully with a loud noise.' They also command the involvement of the emotions when they say 'rejoice.' Music can be pleasing to the Lord and still involve the emotions.
David didn't play with a "loud noise" before Saul. In those Psalms when you hear the descriptions of dancing and playing with a loud noise, they are allmost always military songs, or songs of victory when the soldiers are coming back from war. We don't have that situation in our culture any longer.
If a Christian enjoys praising God, then singing praise music can be 'entertaining.'
How far down the slippery road will you go? Is everything one does "praising to the Lord? Watching TV is entertainment. There are some Christians that play on professional NHL teams, as there in the NFL, or the ABL, or the NBA, etc. Therefore, according to your logic, watching professional sports is godly entertainment because each of them may have some Christians in them. Hey you might in find some godly entertainment in a movie that contains some porn, as long as their is a moral to the story, right?
Here is what the Bible says:
James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?
whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
Take your stand. Are you a friend of the world or a friend of God. You cannot be both.
If you are a friend to the ungodly CCM music that caters to the emotions of the flesh, then you are not a friend of God. It is that plain. Entertainment is of the flesh. God doesn't want your entertainment. He is not amused.
Entertainment is amusement. Have you ever thought about the word amusement. Let me define it for you:
a-muse. "muse" to think or meditate.
"a" is a negative prefix meaning "no" or "not"
Thus "amusement" means "no thinking"
When you sit in front of your TV and are entertained or "amused" it requires "no thinking." That is something that God condemns. God condemns entertainment. He condemns "no thinking" He constantily reminds us to "study to show ourselves to be approved..." to "search the Scriptures..." to meditate day and night..." to "take heed to the dcotrine.." to proclaim his word," etc. We are not to be entertained or to try to entertain God. That is sacrilege. We have a work to do. It is called the Great Commission. It is not entertainment. God doesn't want or entertainment, nor has need of it.
Mostly he condemns it.
If it is entertaining that does not mean it is wrong.
Show me in the Bible where it is right. The only one that entertained was Satan. The only one that provoked individuals to have "fun" entertainment, was Satan. Remember Lot, Lot's wife, and what they missed at Sodom--all the fun they had? Remeber the fun the men wanted to have with the angelic guests that Lot had? That was entertainment.
Remember the entertainment that Shechem had with Dinah, Simeon and Levi's sister? He certainly entertained her, didn't he. She probably had fun with him as well.
Samsom had a little fun as well, until he got his life straightened out with God.
Where does God condone entertainment?
If it is entertaining or emotional, that does not mean it is good, either. But I think you are focusing on the wrong issue. The Bible does not command us to make our music un-entertaining, or non-emotional.
The Bible is against amusement. It has no place for fun. That doesn't mean a Christian can't live a joyous life that rejoices in the Lord. But entertainment for entertainment's sake is not condoned in the Bible. If it is, back it up with Scripture.
I heard an interesting quote in church about modern music that was too entertaining. The preachers surprised us by pointing out that these comments were about old hymns. Wesley took flack for his modern hymns. How is it that the pub tunes of ages gone by turn into holy church music tunes of later generations, who hate yet more modern praise music.
That is purely anecdotal, and in fact not true. Again back it up with reliable historical facts. Wesley did not use pub tunes for his hymnns. Get your facts straight.
A lot of praise music is good, repeating scripture or scriptural concepts.
Nothing wrong with Scripture. The medium must fit the message. What kind of medium do you use to carry forth the Holy message of God's holy word?