isn’t the Holy Spirit our defender and guide?
Sure. But what you will discover on the other side, is a countless ecology of unique spiritual beings created and empowered by The Holy Spirit for particular purposes. Heaven is not just inhabited by God, but a great host of amazing spiritual creatures as well.
These are what we call Angels. I know I have encountered them, especially in street ministry.
We don’t even make a big deal of it anymore, we expect their help as common place when they show up.
They only show up for the time allotted their mission, they don’t hang around. I’ve seen them disappear as I blinked. Then I kneel and make thanksgiving to the Lord, who truly has awesome servants and loves us to send them to us.
I’m starting get a wonderous picture of heaven after encountering these characters, but that’s whole nother subject.
If we don’t go out to the extremity of Faith and trust in Jesus we can’t experience these servants of God in action.
We don’t deliberately put ourselves in danger to see if God will send us angelic help, we aren’t mucking around. We spend more time in prayer than we do in ministry, but it is far more efficacious, even when we are lead to go to the most dangerous of places.
Sometimes after prayer, we discern that we are not meant to go out at all.
That’s why secular outreach look to us for help, the “ faith based “ outreach. They burn out trying to take on the sufferings of this world and it is far beyond them, as naturally good and generous as they are, without the grace of faith they burn out and fail or go into a type despair. Without Jesus they can’t do anything.
We have prayed over many secular burnouts and ministered them to faith and love for Jesus. One guy said it was our sheer conviction that made him believe in Jesus. I told him that our faith is not our own but a gift of God, and that as we spoke the Word to him, he received it and believed and so thank God above alone. The fire of Grace is the Living Power that gives Life our dead bones, it is Living Water from The Glory of The Eternal Father.
Those who truly hear the Word believe and receive all they need by His Holy and Precious Grace.
Anyway, servants of The Lord will recognise servants of The Lord.
All babies know their guardian angels, being so helpless. Each of us has seen them in infancy and to us they were entrusted at conception like spiritual Samurai, and loyal members of our family.
The guardian angels last mission is to conduct you to Christ, when you see him at death, he will be completely familiar to you. You will see all he has done for you by the Will of God and you will praise and thank God for it in awe.
Many have a totally stunted understanding of the spiritual realm, they don’t live the supernatural reality that is our Faith in Jesus. Angels are not a part of their lives and journey, they are not real to them, but are 2 D historical figures on a “historic document”.
Angels are very real, don’t waste your life ignoring them. Like all friends of The Lord, let there be brotherhood.