That's a deception from the devil himself.The first 2 are no longer being given to us...
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That's a deception from the devil himself.The first 2 are no longer being given to us...
None are inspired as they were, none have been gifted as they were, correct?That's a deception from the devil himself.
They still have ministry Gifts to do the Work Christ has for them. Apostles continue the work of God outside of a (particular) Local Body, meaning, they plant churches, start new works, equip God's people for the ministry.None are inspired as they were, none have been gifted as they were, correct?
And let me give you food for thought. One might ask, "What does an apostle do?" Go read 1-2 Timothy and Titus. Those are not letters to pastors, they are letters to an apostle.None are inspired as they were, none have been gifted as they were, correct?
If you are calling them missionaries for today fine, but none have the gifts to heal, work miracles, nor write down inspired theology to us!They still have ministry Gifts to do the Work Christ has for them. Apostles continue the work of God outside of a (particular) Local Body, meaning, they plant churches, start new works, equip God's people for the ministry.
Only a handful of Apostles wrote Scripture...what were the other Apostles doing @Yeshua1 ?
Scripture is complete...the Work of an Apostle is not. So, i'm sure we can come to some agreement on this.If you are calling them missionaries for today fine, but none have the gifts to heal, work miracles, nor write down inspired theology to us!
No Apostles in the same sense as the Originals though, correct?Scripture is complete...the Work of an Apostle is not. So, i'm sure we can come to some agreement on this.
That's not up to me, that is God's gifting and call. All i know is that God is still "sending out" people from local fellowships to continue the Gospel Ministry in places that have no foundation of Christ. The Spirit of God works as He wills for the Glory of King Jesus.No Apostles in the same sense as the Originals though, correct?
None of them have the Apostolic signs and wonders, not are inspitred to record the revelation of God, correct?That's not up to me, that is God's gifting and call. All i know is that God is still "sending out" people from local fellowships to continue the Gospel Ministry in places that have no foundation of Christ. The Spirit of God works as He wills for the Glory of King Jesus.
As far as signs and wonders, I cannot confirm nor deny. As far as recording revelation of God, we have a complete set of Scriptures that reveals everything God wants us to know here on earth.None of them have the Apostolic signs and wonders, not are inspitred to record the revelation of God, correct?
I agree with much of this Bro. @TCassidy , thank you for taking the time to write this out. I would like to add that i believe that Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher ALSO train up God's people for the matching work of the ministry. For example: if someone is gifted as an Evangelist, he equips others for that work as well--evangelization of the lost. If someone is a gifted Teacher, he teaches others how to teach. If someone is a Pastor, he teaches others how to shepherd God's people. I pray this helpsThe miraculous gift of Apostle (IE one of the 12) is no longer an active gift, but the work of an apostle (one of two Greek words meaning "messenger") is still being done. Today we call such persons "missionaries" and by other names but they are doing the work of taking the message of Christ around the world.
The miraculous gift of Prophet is no longer an active gift but the work of a prophet is still being done today. The prophet was to confront sin, proclaim the need for correction, and teach how that can come about. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine (what is right), reproof (what is not right), correction (how to get right), and instruction in righteousness (how to stay right)."
The miraculous gift of Evangelist is no longer active but Paul told Timothy to do the word of an evangelist. We should all be reaching our world with the gospel. Our friends, neighbors, co-workers, family, etc.
The miraculous gift of Pastor is no longer being given, but we are to study to show ourselves approved unto God so that we can do the work of shepherding the flock of God.
The miraculous gift of Teacher is no longer being given, but again we study faithfully so we are able to instruct others and prepare a new generation to carry on the work of the ministry and the building up, both spiritually and numerically, of the local body of Christ.
(By the way, I am aware many see Pastor/Teacher as a single gift/office, but I don't. I believe combining them is a misapplication of the Granville Sharp rule.)
I would agree with you that missionaries in the sense of having authority granted them by God to further and expand the Gospel reaching out would be a type of lessor Apostle, but would not see any modern day apostles/prophets as say some Charismatics would, as in being inspired and annoited by God to heal, do miracles, give forth additional revelations etc!I agree with much of this Bro. @TCassidy , thank you for taking the time to write this out. I would like to add that i believe that Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher ALSO train up God's people for the matching work of the ministry. For example: if someone is gifted as an Evangelist, he equips others for that work as well--evangelization of the lost. If someone is a gifted Teacher, he teaches others how to teach. If someone is a Pastor, he teaches others how to shepherd God's people. I pray this helps![]()
Brother, the reality is, i do not care what fringe groups do or say. I do my best to simply understand and believe the Word of God by the illumination of the Spirit (with the aid of contextual helps). I do not let fringe groups determine what God does and does not do based on THEIR misapplication or mishandling of the Word of God. That is akin to me never using a line of credit to buy a house because many people wind up in foreclosure. I will not allow those who mishandle something dictate the value of something.I would agree with you that missionaries in the sense of having authority granted them by God to further and expand the Gospel reaching out would be a type of lessor Apostle, but would not see any modern day apostles/prophets as say some Charismatics would, as in being inspired and annoited by God to heal, do miracles, give forth additional revelations etc!
I know only fringe groups have ever calimed there are still Apostles/prophets in the full biblcal sense of the term still in the church!Brother, the reality is, i do not care what fringe groups do or say. I do my best to simply understand and believe the Word of God by the illumination of the Spirit (with the aid of contextual helps). I do not let fringe groups determine what God does and does not do based on THEIR misapplication or mishandling of the Word of God. That is akin to me never using a line of credit to buy a house because many people wind up in foreclosure. I will not allow those who mishandle something dictate the value of something.
I believe many people called Adoniram Judson the Apostle of Burma, and he was a baptist minister.I know only fringe groups have ever calimed there are still Apostles/prophets in the full biblcal sense of the term still in the church!
Of course jesus is primary, for he is God Incarnate, and Paul was the greatest theologians in history, but the Lord still gave to us gifyed theologians after them to read and learn from!I don't see it that way.
When you grow some and become grounded in Scripture this first-love with Calvin will decrease and Christ will increase.
You want to talk theologians?
Jesus. The greatest who ever lived.
Then Paul. Romans is a great treatise on many subject in the faith.
Then me. LOL.
Not in the sense of Paul as an Apostle, but maybe as Paulk the Missionary!I believe many people called Adoniram Judson the Apostle of Burma, and he was a baptist minister.
I'm not sure of the difference. Paul clearly had a specific task in writing Scripture, but working as an Equipping Apostle is still the reality of many today.Not in the sense of Paul as an Apostle, but maybe as Paulk the Missionary!