This false assertion of yours has been addressed and shown wrong so many times, yet you keep asserting the same error. This is clearly a blind spot in your life, an obstacle you continually hit that you cannot pass.God chose His Redeemer before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4) and therefore corporately chose those who the Redeemer would redeem. However no individual was chosen for salvation before the foundation of the world because all those individually chose by God first existed as "not a people" and as having "not obtained mercy." 1 Peter 2:9-10. Thus individuals could not have been chosen before creation.
Total Spiritual Inability has been shown to be unbiblical nonsense numerous times. If the lost are in a "hardened state" why did God need to harden them in Romans 11?
John 6:37 - Everyone God gives me will come to me, and the one who comes to me I will never send away."
Note the tense, God gives, not God has given before creation. So this verse supports individual election during the lifetime of the believer.
When you live om an island of one, it should give you pause, but you refuse to pause.
My purpose in response is merely to show any new reader that your claim is not what God claims.