Well, first things first.
You sound like you may be a rather well informed individual with an interest in these topics. YOu might be interested to know that there is a Science forum not mentioned on the main list of forums where these topics get a few posts per day. You might want to check it out.
Second of all, you haven't been around for too long, so I'll extend a welcome. BTW, I see you are from Knoxville. My lovely wife was born in Oak Ridge. She is also a huge UT fan which makes things interesting in October considering that I am a UA graduate.
Finally, I am just going to pick and choose a few statements at this point. Hopefully the more important ones.
"Evolution didn’t happen, but even if it did, it is not relevant to the origin of life."
While I do not agree with the first part, I do agree with the second. There is an important disctinction to be made between when ond low life got its start and how it has changed since then. The origin of life is forever shrouded in the mists of time. All I know is that God wanted life here and He made sure it happened. Did He use natural means to give life a start or did He create the first cells through intervention. I don't know and it does not really matter. But there are some curious possibilities emerging for how He could have used natural means.
"I am wondering though, if you are a Christian, why would you want to believe in something like this that is so far out there on the speculation side, and more akin to the beliefs of atheists than Christians?"
Mainly I want to know what is true. There is a stunning amount of evidence that God gave us the diversity of life we see through common descent using natural means under laws He set up to allow this to happen. Now, when you get further back than we can study, the origin of the very first simple life, we can have the opinion that HE intervened to get life going or that He allowed His natural laws to guide the process. Either is possible, but there is a beautiful symmetry to a universe so perfectly conceived that it carries out it creator will through billions of years.
"If you are familiar with OOL studies you realize the problems with assembling proteins from amino acids, let alone creating cellular factories that function with information rich instruction sets for assemblage and use within the cell."
If you getting at what I think... I think we know the reason for hypothesizing a series of prior steps, a lipid world, and RA world, an RNA world, etc. where making proteins comes later as an advance over not making proteins.
"Membrane like structures are light years away from our simplest conception of a functioning cell."
I don't know. If you have a few replicative strands of RNA that are in a protective membrane of lipids which can pull in materials from the environment to make more copies of themselves and who can divide off their membranes to make more...Well that sounds like life to me even if it is not life as we know it.
"Selection cannot work unless information storage and replication capabilities are present. "
There have ben quite a few lab studies where even simple strands of RNA can go through a selection process.
You sound like you may be a rather well informed individual with an interest in these topics. YOu might be interested to know that there is a Science forum not mentioned on the main list of forums where these topics get a few posts per day. You might want to check it out.
Second of all, you haven't been around for too long, so I'll extend a welcome. BTW, I see you are from Knoxville. My lovely wife was born in Oak Ridge. She is also a huge UT fan which makes things interesting in October considering that I am a UA graduate.
Finally, I am just going to pick and choose a few statements at this point. Hopefully the more important ones.
"Evolution didn’t happen, but even if it did, it is not relevant to the origin of life."
While I do not agree with the first part, I do agree with the second. There is an important disctinction to be made between when ond low life got its start and how it has changed since then. The origin of life is forever shrouded in the mists of time. All I know is that God wanted life here and He made sure it happened. Did He use natural means to give life a start or did He create the first cells through intervention. I don't know and it does not really matter. But there are some curious possibilities emerging for how He could have used natural means.
"I am wondering though, if you are a Christian, why would you want to believe in something like this that is so far out there on the speculation side, and more akin to the beliefs of atheists than Christians?"
Mainly I want to know what is true. There is a stunning amount of evidence that God gave us the diversity of life we see through common descent using natural means under laws He set up to allow this to happen. Now, when you get further back than we can study, the origin of the very first simple life, we can have the opinion that HE intervened to get life going or that He allowed His natural laws to guide the process. Either is possible, but there is a beautiful symmetry to a universe so perfectly conceived that it carries out it creator will through billions of years.
"If you are familiar with OOL studies you realize the problems with assembling proteins from amino acids, let alone creating cellular factories that function with information rich instruction sets for assemblage and use within the cell."
If you getting at what I think... I think we know the reason for hypothesizing a series of prior steps, a lipid world, and RA world, an RNA world, etc. where making proteins comes later as an advance over not making proteins.
"Membrane like structures are light years away from our simplest conception of a functioning cell."
I don't know. If you have a few replicative strands of RNA that are in a protective membrane of lipids which can pull in materials from the environment to make more copies of themselves and who can divide off their membranes to make more...Well that sounds like life to me even if it is not life as we know it.
"Selection cannot work unless information storage and replication capabilities are present. "
There have ben quite a few lab studies where even simple strands of RNA can go through a selection process.