Andrew Snelling, Ph.D. Geology (Sydney Aust)
Bill Hoesch, M.S. Geology (U.S.)
Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. Astronomy (US)
Don DeYoung, Ph.D. Physics (US)
Eugene Chaffin, Ph.D. Theoretical Nuclear Physics (US)
John W. Oller, Jr., Ph.D. General Linguistics (US)
Jay L. Wile, Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry (US)
Andrew C. McIntosh, Ph.D. Comubustion Theory (Wales)
Alexander V. Lalomov, Ph.D. Geology (USSR)
Tom McMullen, Ph.D., History and Philosophy of Science (US)
Kurt P. Wise, Ph.D. Geology (Palentology)(US)
David P. Livingston, Jr., Ph.D. Archaeology and Ancient History (US)
Paul Ackerman, Ph.D. Psychology (US)
Keith Wanser, Ph.D. Condensed Matter Physics, (US)
Edmond W. Holroyd III, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science (US)
Donald E. Chittick, Ph.D. Chemistry (US)
Raul E. Lopez, Ph.D. Atmospheric Science (Puerto Rico)
Arlo Moehlenpah, D.Sc., Chemical Engineering (US)
Robert Hermann, Ph.D. Mathematics (US)
Otto E. Berg, BA Physics/Chemistry (US)
Jerry Simmons, Ph.D. Multicultural Teacher & Childhood Education (Science Training Emphasis) (US)
David R. McQueen, M.S. Geology (US)
Les Bruce, Ph.D., Linguistics (US)
Joachim Scheven, Ph.D. (Zoologist/Palaeontologist) Munich
David Menton, Ph.D. Cell Biology (US)
Raymond V. Damadian, M.D. (US)
Joseph Mastropaolo, Ph.D. Kinesiology/Physiology (US)
Carl B. Fliermans, Ph.D. Microbiology (US)
Ian G. Macreadie, Ph.D. Molecular Biology (Australia)
Andre Eggen, Ph.D., Animal Molecular Genetics (Zurich)
Lyubka P. Tantcheva, Ph.D. Biochemical Toxicology (Bulgaria)
Walter J. Veith, Ph.D. Zoology (Stellenbosch and Cape Town)
John K.G. Karmer, Ph.D. Biochemistry (US)
Benjamin Aaron, M.D. (US)
Sharon K. Bullock, Ph.D. Pathology and Laboratory Med (US)
John R. Meyer, Ph.D. Zoology (US)
Lane P. Lester, Ph.D. Genetics (US)
Alan Gillen, Ed.D. Science Ed (US)
Gregory J. Brewer, Ph.D. Biology (US)
Roger W. Sanders, Ph.D. Botony (US)
Arther J. Jones, Ph.D. Biology (US)
Kelly Hollowell, J.D., Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (US)
Donna O'Daniel, M.A. Biological Sciences (US)
Glen W. Wolfrom, Ph.D. Animal Husbandry (US)
Mark H. Armitage, M.S. Biology (US)
David Demick, M.D., (US)
Randy Guliuzza, M.D. (US)
Keith Swenson, MD (US)
George Howe, Ph.D. Botany (US)
David Kaufmann, Ph.D. Anatomy (US)
Jonathan B. Scripture, Ph.D. Biochemistry (US)
Richard Oliver, Ph.D. Biology (US)
Inis J. Bardella, M.D. (US)
Gary A. Eckhoff, D.V.M., US
Donald Hamann, Ph.D, Agricultural Science (US)