" Many a scientist, especially among physicists, believes in creation."
Unless you are including old earth creationism, you'll need to support that statement. Maybe you have an interesting idea of "many."
The Gallup polling group actually asks this question periodically. According to their poll in 1997, only 5% of all scientists, defined broadly, accepted YE creationism. Another 40% accepted theistic evolution, however. So if you include OEC, then your claim is somewhat correct. But I doubt that is what you meant.
"They have now identified the quark as the smallest and most basic particle of anything that exists in the physical universe. They've found that quarks come in six "flavors". (Hey, I didn't make up that name used to differentiate between the types of quarks!) They've found that electrons, protons, neutrons, & every other known subatomic particle is made of quarks."
Not quite. The particles of matter can be divided into three families. For each family, there are two quarks. For instance, the first family contains the up and down quarks which can be variously combined to give protons and neutrons. However, other particles, such as the electron, are particles unto themselves. There are many other matter particles not made of quarks. In addition, there are the force carrying particles such as photons for electromagnetism, gluons for the strong force, three different particles for the weak force and the graviton for gravity. Not to mention a whole slew of other quarkless particles like the Higgs. (Note, not all of these have been observed but the majority have. Only the graviton and Higgs particle are ones in my posts which have yet to be observed.)
" However, they inevitably come to these questions: WHERE DID QUARKS COME FROM? WHAT DETERMINED THEIR FLAVORS? WHAT DETERMINED THAT X NUMBER OF QUARKS IN THE RIGHT COMBINATION OF FLAVORS MAKES AN ELECTRON? Many of them make up answers in a most unscientific way, but for those who actually observe the rules of science, the answer is obvious...THE POWER OF GOD, and His design of all that exists."
I think that as believers we all accept that God created the laws of our universe. However, I think that you are a bit mistaken in your assertion about where scientists think the properties of the particles come from. String theory is currently a leading candidate for the explanation of the properties of the forces. Scientists will contiue to search for the underlying explanations of how the characteristics of our universe came to be. Both those that believe and those that do not believe in God. There are many things that are not yet known.
I think most physicists would also agree that the quarks were formed sometime after the inflationary epic of the early universe.