Or you could say that the earlier reference could be in the future, and not included in the events that were fulfilled in that generation. The generation that He was addressing, the generation of the apostles. Just as valid.
Anyway when we meet the Lord in the air it will NOT be a secret coming it will be with a shout and a loud trumpet sound.
I don't believe there will be two comings, and I believe that is a false teaching.
Two thoughts, that you already are aware, but I respond for 5he more casual readers.
First, the question of the followers in Matthew was not a single one but three.
“...when will this happen,”
“and what will be the sign of your coming”
“and of the end of the age?”
More than one has neglected to keep the perspective of which question is being addressed in the answers given by Christ.
Along with this is that perspective of their own background. They were typical in looking for a political leader that was also the Spiritual leader. The immediacy of the events were top priority in their frame of reference.
Second, the Scriptures are very clear as to the events surrounding the second com8ng, just not the exact end other than the time of the Gentiles has been completed.
The rapture is hoped for, and as such may happen as some hope, or may not.
Often folks smush the events of the second comming as the dead rise then the living in one grand spectacle.
However, permit me to explore a bit different presentation.
Paul states, “
14For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.”
If He brings them with Him (for, are we not present with the
Lord, always, both now and in passing) then there must be a “gap” between “...and the dead in Christ will rise first.
17Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air,...”.
When are the dead risen? When the flesh passes, for He brings those with Him as shown in Revelation.
Who is caught up and changed in the “twinkling of the eye?”
Those who have remained, the survivors, the ones who steadfastly held out in reliance of “the way.”
How long between the two? John sees folks asking the same question in Revelation 6.
Who are those that remain? Are they the tribulation believers who “endure to the end.”
Personal note:
Do I hope for a rapture? Certainly, I raise myself each morning in hope of such an escape.
Do I find evidence of a rapture in Scripture? Perhaps, however for the most part, is it the fleshly longing of hope in escaping what other believers have long endured for the faith?
This is certain, 1) the Lord is risen and coming again that all eyes will witness the event. 2) the Lord will establish that great millennial time just as promised in prophecy of the ancients and by the apostles.