Other than the gross error of the "parenthesis" Church which dispensationalists choose to ignore the thing that bothers me most about dispensationalists is that some would chop off their right arm, maybe both, rather than say anything disparaging about a Jew. They seem to believe that God always favors an unbelieving Jew over one for whom Jesus Christ died. Strange, very strange!
There's several aspects of dispensationalism 'that bothers me', not the least of which is the scope and magnitude of the deception and the 'political clout' derived from their sheer numbers here in the states. From the Jewish author of
'Save a Jew, save yourself!'
65 million American Evangelical cultists love Jews for one simple reason: They hope to bundle every hairy Jewish [a$$] up, air-freight them to the West Bank and East Jerusalem (once those areas have been cleansed of Muslims), and use the Jews as bait to bring upon the Rapture, as kindling in the Apocalypse, the final battle that will bring Jesus back to Earth. None of this can happen until every last Jew is penned into the occupied territoriesand the Jews won’t get there unless the far-right runs Israel and America. Currently
65 million American cultists are using everything in their power, from prayer to politics, to make this Helter Skelter scenario come true.”..."
here (the lifeline of the neocons):
"The pro-Israel lawmakers had a field-day on November 4, 2010 election for the Congress and Senate. It was accomplished by the financial contributions by
Jewish lobby groups and the
65-million-strong Christian Zionist fanatics. The occupation of Palestine by the European Jews could not materialized without the help of Zionist Christians in Europe and the US. Even to this day, the blind support of Israel by the governments in the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Australia, EU, etc. comes mainly from the Christian Zionists.
According to PEW Poll results released by CNN –
78% of born-again Evangelical Christians (Catholic, Protestant and other Christian denominations) voted for the Republican party members who showed their support for Israel...."
65 million cultists equates to 65 million potential votes. That's THE ONLY reason for this idolatry [add] (well, that, and Zionist campaign money):