Nope. Try addressing the point of my post. Reframing won't work. It just confirms you can't handle the question.
Tell us why Christians should support a law that was passed over the objections of the American people using lies, bribery and corruption to get it done.
Do you not agree it is a Christian's duty to oppose lying, bribery and political corruption?
If you do, then you cannot , in good conscience support Obamacare. If you don't, then I'd have to question your committment to Christ and His principles.
Carpro, you did not ask a question but I asked you one.
Again, What are the mountain of lies and corruption you claim are in in the new healthcare law?
Most bills in congress are always passed over some Americans objections. In the beginning the bill was slightly favored by Americans but after all the crying and frighful demonizing by the Republicans opinion became negative on the bill. After hearing little or nothing but this fearfulness people came to believe this but when they now see what is actually in the bill they favor Obamacare. The rightwing has been counting on ignorance and there is nothing Christian about that. Now:
When asked on the specifics of the new healthcare law Americans overwhelmingly support ObamaCare:
"The law provides tax credits to small businesses that offer coverage to their employees" -
Americans support this -
83% to 14%
"The law gradually closes the Medicare prescription drug 'doughnut hole' or coverage gap so seniors will no longer be required to pay the full cost of their medications when they reach the gap" -
Americans support this -
75% to 20%
"The law will provide financial help to low and moderate income Americans who don't get insurance through their jobs to help them purchase coverage" -
Americans support this -
74% to 22%
"The law establishes a national, voluntary insurance program in which working adults can purchase insurance to help pay for long-term care services they might need in the future" -
Yep, Americans supports this -
74% to 20%
"The law will increase the Medicare payroll tax on earnings for upper income Americans" -
Americans support this -
60% to 34%
In the latest poll on mandatory health insurance, even though the Republicans have beat this fearful drum relentlessly basing their primary objection on this point- "Do you think all Americans should be required to have health insurance, or don't you think they should?" -
Americans support this -
55% to 46% Wow!
When Americans are asked whether they support ObamaCare, after having been deluged with negative rightwing progaganda couched in the usual frightful paranoid terminology, Americans are shy on support but when asked, as if they have any intelligence at all, about the specifics of what is actually in the law they overwhelmingly support ObamaCare.
I agree it is a Christian's duty to oppose lying, bribery and political corruption but the law, as you full well know has already been passed. The means in passing it is behind us but again you are still disengenous unless of course you oppose all laws passed by congress. Jesus is not concerned with you worrying about the natures of government that you would pass up, on that objection, the desperate healthcare help needed by millions of American families. Jesus said we should give to Caesar what is his and give to God what is God's. Jesus knew the corrupt ways and laws of Rome, the brutality, the perverted baths and the fact Caesar claimed to be God. Are you saying that Jesus was not commited to His principles nor commited to who He was supposed to be?
I think you may be under such power of your ideology that you are placing it even over the love of Christ you should be imparting to others through what you support.