Greetings Evangelist6589
I guess I'll start off by ignoring the digs and try to answer your questions in a loving manner...
1. Does this evangelism method heavily emphasize the depravity of man, hell, and his disobedience and rejection of God?
No need to do that. Read the Gospel of John (the only book of the Bible self identified as written to lead people to Christ). These principles are never emphasized for salvation in the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John talks about faith/believe over 80 times (more than the other 3 gospels put together). However, it does not use repentance once.
So why ignore the other gospels? Why pick and choose what you want the Bible to say? The Gospel of John does teach repentance but that requires a in-depth look at it.
Also read these verses
Luke 13:3-3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.
Mt 4:17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
Its not wise to ignore the other gospels. Its very wise to use the methods of Jesus in all the gospels in our evangelism efforts. Remember that Jesus often spoke on Hell. Do you speak on hell often? Maybe He did not in John, but he did so in the other gospels.
The gospel is very simple: We have sinned. There is a punishment for sin (eternal separation from God). Jesus paid that punishment, died both spiritually and physically on the cross and (3 days later) rose from the dead. If we put our trust in what He did on the cross, we will be saved.
2. Does this evangelism method heavily emphasize the holiness of God and show the sinner as being in the hands of an angry God?
See the answer to question 1.
Again, not necessary. It is our job (each and every born again believer) to convey the gospel. It is God's job to convict and convince people about the gospel. If I use Scripture to show people the steps (above), the Holy Spirit can do His ministry to the lost. My job is rather simple, I never want to try and do God's job.
3. Why does this method think that saying a prayer is what saves someone?
Never said it did. Actually, salvation is easier than that. The moment I ask someone if they would be willing to accept Jesus as their Savior, and they say "yes" they are saved. See, for example, Romans 10:13.
4. Why is this method so convened with decisions and results? Why emphasize follow up? Did Philip do follow up in Acts? He did not. So why violate what the Bible teaches?
Not sure what you mean by "convened" but, if a house was burning down and I knew how to get people out, I would absolutely be interested in getting out as many as I can.
Um, follow up is part of the Great Commission - go back to Matthew 28:18-20. As for Philip, we don't know if he did any follow up or not - the Bible doesn't say. However, he was not the only one winning people to Christ in the book of Acts. The growth of churches throughout Acts is a testimony to follow up.
I go by what the Bible says and should not add in between the lines. If I do ad in between the lines I should not build an entire case on it. In this case follow up is not taught in the scripture.
Also, Paul was absolutely concerned with "numbers". That is why he told the elders of Ephesus that the blood of no man was on his hands. He wanted them to know he gave a clear gospel presentation and offer to be saved to each and every person in Ephesus.
Thats adding to the text. He was concerned with obeying God, not filling a mega church.
Let me suggest you read "The Gospel, Evangelism, and God's Heart" (available on Amazon) written by yours truly, and then we can talk more about this.
And, I have worked with several people doing WOTRC (Way of the Ray Comfort). I usually applaud people that want to share the gospel. However, we are to share the gospel through the fruit of the Spirit and I have yet to see a single person use WOTRC with anything close to love. It usually comes across as condescending and mean. I don't intend to offend. I am just telling you what I have seen with my own eyes. Also, how sad is it to invite people to see a banquet and then never inviting them to enjoy the feast (invite people to accept Christ). And, while I am on a roll, what is it with the WOTRC people putting down Bill Bright and Campus Crusade for Christ? A lot of my growth as a Christian in the 70s came from their ministry. God DOES have a wonderful plan for your life.
Its not just Ray Comfort that emphasizes the law in evangelism. If you would read his quotes in his book The Way of the Master and check out the authors he mentions you will see that they also emphasized a similar method of evangelism. Check out the following book. The Law and the Gospel by Ernest Reisinger. Using the law to convict sinner of sin is a good way to do evangelism, and its not just taught by Ray Comfort as you think. People are sinners and headed to hell. People are very very sick and they need the doctor Jesus christ. But in order for people to get well they need to see that they are sick. The LAW shows them clearly they are very very sick and will die soon. Those that repent trust in Jesus and He makes them better. Your method of evangelism may not totally emphasize man's sinful condition.