matt wade said:What does the observable evidence tell you about the ability for someone to come back from the dead?
I don't push an evidentialist position for apologetics. Neither do I put my belief of a physical resurrection on an evidential base. It is a matter of faith.
matt wade said:Does science and observable evidence tell you that it is impossible?
What is the respondent to "it" here? I'm not certain.
matt wade said:I assume you believe that Christ died and was resurrected? Why can you put your faith in God in one area, but not the other?
It's an issue of faith as far as the resurrection goes. As far as creation goes it is also a matter of faith. We cannot not know cosmologically what happened at the beginning of this age. We simply can't. It is a matter of faith.
What is observable is, when using tested scientific formulas and principles, we see there are more things at play than a simple 8,000 year creation. Yet it is not a lack of faith that brings me to this conclusion.
Where my faith incedes is where the observable evidence fails. There is no evidence for the cosmological creation event in any direction other than we are here. Yet there is an evidential basis for postulating that this whole thing is probably more than 8,000 years old.
Now could God have created everything and made it look like it was 5,000,000,000 years old? Certainly...but why? Why would God have created all of this in such a way to hide Himself so much from His penultimate creation, mankind?
Bertrand Russell was once asked what he would say to God when he, Russell, met God at the end of his life once God asked him, Russell, why he hadn't believed in God. Russell replied that he would simply say: why did You, God, go to such great lengths to hide Yourself? While I completely disagree that God has gone to such great lengths (and further disagree with Russell in principle) there is something in that question that begs us to wonder why God, as revealed in the Scriptures would have gone to such great lengths to hide Himself particularly in creating this whole thing is such a way that it appears significantly older than He wants.
For young earth creationists to side step questions of evidence by throwing out that this whole thing was made to look old seems both disengenious to their own case and a rather silly way to attempt to deflect legitimate questions.
Again, I fully affirm the created order as presented in the Scriptures. I just think we can honestly and humbly disagree over the length of time and still be right and proper Christ followers. :godisgood: