Again, well documented child slave labor to produce EV batteries. Some will say the EV batteries they like are not produced with child slave labor so that makes it alright.
EV propaganda through and through. The same folks pushing EV batteries are pushing global climate change, eating insects, slaughtering cattle because they fluctuate to much gas into the air, censorship of any idea, speech or group that disagree with their pseudo science. etc…
… short, they are radical liberal leftists that want to destroy America.
Don’t believe the propaganda
peace to you
Note the fact LFP batteries are not produced by child slave labor is ignored.
Yes, many Democrat thugs are pushing mandates for utilization of EV's. That the godless left misuses truth to accomplish evil is not secret.
Yes, do not believe those that use propaganda to discredit the potential for BEV's.
But let us address the actual problems?
1) Our Electrical power system lacks a diverse generation mix, and is overly reliant on fossil fuel. The fix is to address the problem with more roof top solar power and safely sited and designed nuclear power stations.
2) Many EV have too small a battery. Yes, unless the cost of say 90 KWh batteries are brought to a price competitive level, EV will remain a rich man's toy.
3) Cold weather performance problems can be addressed with adequate design enhancements.