Well-Known Member
It is exceedingly sad that anyone who has experienced the Grace of God in Salvation would accuse their brethren of believing that God through His Grace turns the crown of His creative activity, Man, into a mindless robot! I submit the following OP on the thread "The Conflicted Calvinist" as evidence:
The above quote is, to put it politely, an exercise in ignorance regarding the Doctrines of Grace. It is indeed exceedingly sad!
Many here engage with what I like to call "a conflicted Calvinist." They are a conflicted group of people because their angst is really inconsistent with what they claim to believe. They are actively engaged in rebuking you for doing or believing something that you could not have willingly done or believed otherwise. In other words, they are actively rebuking God's ordained and preset will for your life, all the while believing that their own rebuke is likewise God's ordained and preset will. So, according to their circular deterministic worldview (where God is the only actual agent/actor/chooser in existence) they are carrying out God's predetermined will for them by rebuking you for holding to God's predetermined will for you...and you are carrying out God's predetermined will for you by rebuking them for holding to God's predetermined will for them. Confounding, I know. They ultimately have God rebuking God over and over again...
Sure they add in 2nd cause explanations (puppets/robots) to subtly invoke some since creaturely culpability, but it all amounts to the same merry-go-round of God causing every effect and every effect causing God's rebuke or reward thus blurring if not completely erasing the line between that which is good and evil.
The above quote is, to put it politely, an exercise in ignorance regarding the Doctrines of Grace. It is indeed exceedingly sad!