1. being a Calvinist/Reformed makes a big difference, as they usually have tinted specs that only see things their way
Any you don't? If you are an example of one teachable and wise with understanding, then please demonstrate it, for sometime I have looked and along the way may have overlooked.
2. The Holy Bible, which is the Word of God, is very clear, when the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself God Incarnate, very clearly says to all of the Gospel of salvation, "and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem" (Luke 24:47)
So you traveled to Jerusalem to start proclaiming repentance? For if you didn't you have violated your own standard.
But what is more troubling is that you actually think that repentance is the catalyst to forgiveness of sins.
That isn't the Scriptures.
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins is what the Scriptures teach.
will note that Jesus says, that it is REPENTANCE that brings about the FORGIVENESS of sins for the sinner. Without FORGIVENESS, NO sinner can ever be born-again, without REPENTANCE, there can be no FORGIVENESS. Do you suppose that a sinner whose sins are UNFORGIVEN, who simply BELIEVES, can become a true Christian? If so, you are at odds with the God of the Bible. If they cannot, then it follows that this is ONLY possible by REPENTING, that is TURNING AWAY from and REJECTING the old sinful life, and ACCEPTING the salvation in Jesus Christ. This is Holy Bible, anything that teaches otherwise, is plain HERESY.
Some difficulties in your presentation:
1) I don't know any BB member that does not consider that repentance is not a part and parcel of the experience of conversion.
2) I don't know any reformed even Hyper that does not consider that repentance is not part and parcel of the experience of conversion.
3) I don't know that your definition of repentance is the actual Bible definition. For you seem to place something into it that presents what it is not.
Repentance is not some emotionalism, some pouring out of the sinful heart acknowledgment of sinfulness.
Repentance is merely agreement with God.
In practice, it means that the direction of one's life has been changed from opposing God to walking with God. Such is not accomplished by human effort, and to think that it can be is looking through bias and prejudice which puffs up the human to exalt themselves above God's own authority.
1) The Scriptures state that it is the blood of Christ that was shed for the forgiveness of sins, not some person pleading in repentance.
2) The Scriptures state that salvation (eternal life) is based upon belief. That belief is not based upon repentance, but is based (as Romans 10 shows) upon the Word of God being ALREADY in the heart, and ALREADY in the mouth. The proclamation, that confession, of belief in the Lord Jesus Christ and resurrection is the RESULTS of what has already transformed (converted) that person.
3) Of course there will be repentance, not to get saved, but as a result of having been saved. Just as Paul is an example of one going about even to establish their own righteousness, was turned around by God, and converted by God, and therefore the results were the rest of Paul's days spent walking with God.