by his demonstration..... his empowerment "
It does no matter how many uninspired men you can get to agree with your grammatically IMPOSSIBLE translation and IMPOSSIBLE interpretation.
Readers, take note that Van's interpretation grammatically replaces "
gospel" as the grammatical subject in the first part of verse 5 with the PERSON of Paul, making the subject in his interpretation/translations to be a PERSON rather than the "gospel" It is the "gospel" that "came" to the elect "" this manner NOT A PERSON. But you have a PERSON coming in this manner "
by his his empowerment..." It is not "
his" demonstration or "
his" empowerment, but the "
gospel" demonstration and empowerment. Your interpretation by its very nature would demand this is true to all the Thessalonican's who heard the gospel "
in word only" as much as these "
brethren" unto whom the gospel did "
NOT come in word only BUT ALSO" which completely invalidates Paul's purpose to show how these "
brethren" can know "
your election of God." Van's interpretation makes any distinction between them and others who heard the gospel to be no distinction at all, while Paul is clearly attempting to show distinction between them and those whom the gospel came "
in word only."
When Paul and his fellow preachers told the Thessalonians the good news, it was with the power and assurance that come from the Holy Spirit, and not simply with words.
First, it did not come to all "
Thessalonians" in this manner, but only those identified grammatically as "
you" which has for its nearest grammatical antecedent "
your election of God" in verse 5 which in turn has its nearest antecedent "
brethren" in verse 5. To the rest of the Thessalonican's it came "
in word only." However, the whole point of Van's interpretation is to DESTROY ANY SUCH DISTINCTION that Paul is making between these "
YOU" and the rest of the Thessalonican's. Thus Van's interpretation demands the gospel came to all in the same manner equally as Paul comes in the same manner to all equally and therefore the words "
ONLY BUT ALSO" are completely repudiated by Van.
So the gospel did not come to all men
in Thessalonica "" this manner, although Paul came preaching the gospel to all men in Thessalonica. The manner in which the gospel "came unto you" (BRETHREN) is presented as evidence of "
YOUR election of God" and that is simply not true of all Thessolonican's but that is precisely what Van's interpretation of verse five would demand and what Van claims.
So the manner by which the gospel came in verse 5 is RESTRICTED TO GOD'S ELECT just as Paul repeats to them in 2 Thessalonians 2:13. So, Van's second error is jerking verse 5 out of context applying it GENERICALLY to all men at Thessalonica who heard Paul preach. If that were true, then all men could know their election, IF the gospel came to all men in this manner, and that would make Paul's point in verse 4 WORTHLESS and without DISTINCTION.
Third, Van now attempts to rewrite the verse using a STATE OF BEING verb "
it was" instead of the action verb "
came." The gospel "" this manner to the elect at Thessalonican, but it did not come this way to all people, but the state of being verb would demand that this is the way it comes to all people, again making Paul's words in verse 4 meaningless and without distinction or application to "your election of God."
They knew what kind of people Paul and his associates were and how they helped the Thessalonians.
Fourth, Van has done what ever false teacher will do with a text that annihilates their interpretation and doctrine. He isolates each aspect from the rest of the immediate context and reinterprets it contrary to the immediate preceding and foregoing context. He did this with verse 5 isolating it from the subject introduced in verse 4 and applying it universal instead of specific ("your election") as the immediate preceding context demands. He alters the contextual subject from "brethren" at Thessaloninca to "thessalonians" in general.
He uses the same tactic with the latter part of verse 5 above. The reason for Paul concluding verse five with them knowing "
what mannner of men" who preached the gospel among them is because the gospel came to them as an effectual call transforming them into the very same kind of men as they "
became followers" of that "
manner of men" WHEN the gospel came to them in this manner.
Van, and those of his ilk can only overturn this text by isolation type tactics, ignoring and perverting inspired grammar and grammatical structure. The fact that regeneration is described as a CREATIVE act of God (Eph. 2:10, Col. 3:10; Ephes. 4:24) demands it is by EFFECTUAL CALL as that is how God creates and that is precisely how the gospel word comes to the elect of God as an EFFECTUAL CALL:
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
When the gospel comes as the EFFECTUAL CALL from God it reveals Christ "in OUR hearts" as that is what is meant by the words "in the FACE OF Jesus Christ" meaning our heart is made to SEE HIM as declared in the gospel.