How does that differ from the faith of a muslim in understanding their Koran and their disposition to believe what they understand? Why is that lie understandable while the powerful life giving truth remains unattainable?It would seem that every man has "faith" if faith is defined by the ability to believe in something.
However, faith to believe in the gospel requires also a correct understanding of the gospel as well as a disposition to receive what is understood.
You are just giving unbelievers a good excuse for their unbelief. I say they understand the truth, it is clear and they have everything they need to believe it but CHOOSE to rebel and thus are completely accountable for their unbelief. Nothing but their own unbelief prevents their salvation. They are without excuse.
In this sense it would appear that no human being has this ability by natural birth (Rom. 8:7; 1 Cor. 2:14; Jn. 6:44)
Jn 6:44: In Jn 6 the gospel, the means by which God draws men to himself, hasn't even been sent into the world yet. He is hiding the truth in parables and only revealing himself to a select few from Israel, the rest are hardened.
I Cor. 2:14:: Keep reading into the next several versus, because the "brethren" can't accept these same "deep spiritual truths" (vs. 10) because they are living carnally/natural lives. You must understand the means God has chosen to reveal his these mysteries. Paul, a chosen apostles inspired to write scriptures, is one of those means, so for him to say THESE SPIRITUAL TRUTHS must be SPIRITUAL DISCERNED, could very well mean that HE, a spiritually inspired author, needs to explain them to the church, just like he explained the milk of the gospel to them earlier.
Rom. 8:7: I'm not sure what men's inability to submit to God law has to do with their ability as enemies to respond to his Holy Spirit wrought Gospel appeal to be reconciled.
The Gospel is a work of the Holy Spirit, thus any effect IT has is a fruit of the Spirit's work. Jesus said 'the words that I speak to you are spirit and life.' The gospel IS the POWER of God unto salvation though some in stubborn rebellion reject it and rightly deserve the punishment they receive for their free choice of rebellion. And NO I don't mean "free" as in they are just doing what they wanted to do because their natures wouldn't allow them to do otherwise. I mean the Gospel is powerful enough to a make its appeal and anyone who rejects Christ's words will be judged by them (Jn. 12)
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