You folks on the other side sure are adept at ignoring the obvious. The argument is never about whether man has any ability to believe things but about whether he can have saving faith. The obvious you are ignoring is the fact that there are many kinds of faith. Your arguments may make you a good politician but not a good theologian. Can a man believe savingly on Christ apart from regeneration? No he can't because he first of all sees no need to believe on Christ and secondly because he does not see in Christ all his hope before God. The Scriptures are clear that the natural man is enmity against God, not at enmity but is enmity, and doesn't desire Christ but hates Him. All who came to Christ came because they had a need. All who believe on Christ believe because they have been given an understanding of their need. That is what regeneration is. When you find that you need Him you will come to Him in saving faith. You will not find that you need Him unless and until the Spirit does a work in you that you cannot and will not do for yourself.
The above, IMO, is untrue biblcally.
Scripture states man of or by himself, will not come to God because by himself he does not know he has any need, much less care for God. Note the qualifier - of or by himself, meaning apart from any of God's intervention via His grace. IOW - man apart from God, will not seek after God. But when God seeks after man, man is now faced with the truth of God. Now he must choose to believe it or reject it.
Secondly, regeneration is the making of all things new (arguably salvation itself). Not waking up or simply coming to an understanding. Scripture tells us that even the unsaved has understanding of these thing but choose to reject them. We KNOW they understand them because scripture tells us that God 'makes it known TO them'. So you are faced with one of 3 possibilities concerning God:
1. God willing withheld some of the spiritual truths from some.
... If that is true.. why, since we know he at least gave them some of it? Is he afraid they would be saved so He kept the truth from them?
2. God was incapable of bringing some men to understand His truths which He reveals via His Spirit.
3. God did not really mean, they knew(or better to understand), he was just saying they did
Scripture tells us the Spirit of God is gone out into all the world revealing 3 SPIRITUAL truths.
1. Our Sin
2. His Righteousness
3. The Judgment to come
Note that in Rom 1:18-32 (even though this is being revealed in nature itself here) there are 3 things revealed to the sinners which God has made known to them.
Our sin, His rightousness, and the judgement to come. Yet scripture states they traded these truths for a lie. IOW - Knowing these truths, they rejected them for something more enjoyable and self pleasing. The problem is, you just can't get around the fact they knew. Some what to say, they knew but didn't really - KNOW. Problem- since when has God EVER done anything only half way. If God says they Knew because He made them to know.. we can not presume they didn't 'really' understand. And all of these things are SPIRITUAL truths which God revealed to them.. and they understood. WHy.. because their understanding was not dependant upon their intellectual compacity but God's ability to reveal His truth.
Thirdly, scripture NEVER, not once ever, speaks of a distinction of saving faith and another kind of faith. In fact, Faith (in the verb sense) HAS NO value by itself. The only value faith has is in the object to which faith has been set toward or fastened upon (ex. Christ). So whether one wishes to call one common faith or saving faith, it is by nature the same thing - faith. The nature of verb form of faith is 'the acting upon' but the [eternal] value of faith is contengent upon the object toward that which faith has been fastened.
Thus the only faith that is saving faith, is that faith who's object is Christ Jesus whish saves. .
Faith in the sense of the Noun, IS the value from which our action (faith in the verb sense) comes. Since the object of our faith is Jesus.
IOW - faith has no value except the value of object to which our faith has been placed. The only difference between the saving faith and vain faith is the object OF faith, and it is that object which faith fastens itself to that saves not faith itself. There is no such thing as the gift of saving faith. That is unbiblical. We do see in scripture a faith that saves and it is ALWAYS stated as - your faith, her faith, his faith, or their faith.
Faith is a gift ONLY in the sense that if it were not for God's grace through the revealing and convinciton of the Holy Spirit we would never know any real True nor THE Truth (Christ the Lord) that it may be of faith because of His grace.
But God giving us faith as though it was something we never had nor could have in any measure (thus the reason for giving it) makes no sense in light of the fact we have even the smallest measure of common faith, which is by nature no different from saving faith since both are 'faith'; with the exception (of course) regarding the object AND for the purpose to which faith set toward that object.
Thus to say our acknowledging that we have nothing of ourselves worthy to offer in exchange for but that we also acknowledge the Work of Christ and Himself being the absolute suffienctsness on our behalf; in no way imparts saving qualities whatsoever to us (or our faith), since it is God who saves and we acknowledgled that by placing our faith (action of reliance) in Christ.
Scripture is very specific that faith is not a work, and thus can not be seen as man doing something for his salvation. In fact the very point that faith has no value in and of itself, is the very point scripture speaks to. Our faith only gets it temporal or eternal value from the object to which it clings.