You do not CHOOSE to believe things. You are persuded by information that enters your sphere of observation to believe in things.
Take gravity for example. Do you anchor yourself to the earth everyday in fears that gravity will give way and the centripetal force of earth's spinning will hurl you out into space?
You have put your faith in gravity and your life shows it.
When did you CHOOSE to put your faith in gravity?
You have no CHOICE BUT to believe in it. The information you have received CAUSES you to believe in it.
Try as you may, you cannot now choose to STOP believing in it.
Faith is not a choice. It is something that happens to us caused by information that enters our minds and persuades us.
That's one of the many reasons Calvinism presents a much better soteriology than other theologies.
It is consistent with the the invincible fact that faith is NOT a choice.
The problem with non-cal soteriology is that it teaches that we are saved by grace through choice.
But the Bible teaches that we are saved by grace through FAITH.
These are two very different things.
Take gravity for example. Do you anchor yourself to the earth everyday in fears that gravity will give way and the centripetal force of earth's spinning will hurl you out into space?
You have put your faith in gravity and your life shows it.
When did you CHOOSE to put your faith in gravity?
You have no CHOICE BUT to believe in it. The information you have received CAUSES you to believe in it.
Try as you may, you cannot now choose to STOP believing in it.
Faith is not a choice. It is something that happens to us caused by information that enters our minds and persuades us.
That's one of the many reasons Calvinism presents a much better soteriology than other theologies.
It is consistent with the the invincible fact that faith is NOT a choice.
The problem with non-cal soteriology is that it teaches that we are saved by grace through choice.
But the Bible teaches that we are saved by grace through FAITH.
These are two very different things.