From Calvinism /Arminianism by W.R. Downing:
The words “and that” may possibly refer back to the preceding section of v. 4–8a, which emphasizes the freeness and sovereignty of God’s grace, which 1216 Eph. 2:8, Th/| ga.r ca,riti, evste sesw|sme,noi… “For by grace you are—have been and continue to be—saved…” The strongest language possible to connote being saved by grace alone and kept in this state by grace alone. 1217 Eph. 2:8–8-9, …evste sesw|sme,noi dia. pi,stewj [you are, having been and continuing in salvation by faith]\ kai. tou/to ouvk evx u`mw/n [and this not of yourselves]( qeou/ to. dw/ron [of God (emph. pos.) the gift!]\ ouvk evx e;rgwn( i[na mh, tij kauch,shtai [ (definitely) not of works (human ability or merit), in order that (the reason being) no one at all might boast ]Å If saving faith were mere human trust and one’s human trust made the difference, then there would most certainly be room and reason for boasting! 1218 Eph. 2:10, auvtou/ ga,r evsmen poi,hma [for his we are craftsmanship. The wording emph. the Divine origin of salvation]( ktisqe,ntej evn Cristw/| VIhsou/ evpi. e;rgoij avgaqoi/j [created in Christ Jesus unto goods, not because of good works or human ability] oi-j prohtoi,masen o` qeo.j( i[na evn auvtoi/j peripath,swmen [which foreordained (emph. pos.) God that in them (emph. pos.) we might walk or have our lifestyle.]Å This statement reinforces that salvation is all of grace from first to last. 1219 For the general agreement of the demonstrative ou-toj [tou/to] with its antecedent, Cf. A. T. Robertson, A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research, p. 704; see also William Hendriksen’s remarks on Robertson in “Ephesians,” New Testament Commentary, pp. 121–123. Cf. also Peter T. O’Brien, The Letter to the Ephesians (Pillar Comm.), p.175, who states that this is possible, referring to Robertson, adding that it is consistent with Paul’s teaching elsewhere, but concludes that “this” must refer to salvation by grace. 455 necessarily includes faith within the Divine gift. Other examples of this may be foundThe neuter demonstrative may refer to the act of believing, which would probably take the neuter rather than the feminine (Beza, Bengal, Moule). If Paul were referring merely to salvation rather than specifically to faith, then his statement would be tautological and needless (Hodge).The demonstrative pronoun does not always [only generally] agrees with its antecedent in number and gender.1219 There are instances in which a neuter pronoun may modify either a feminine or masculine substantive (Hendriksen, referring to the statement by A. Kuyper).In answer, it may be stated that:It has been objected, however, that the word “that” [tou/to, “this” in Gk.] is neuter, while “faith” is feminine, and so must refer to “the idea of salvation,” which is neuter, not “faith”. It is salvation in a very general sense which is the gift of God in this text.God, in the context of his eternal redemptive purpose, not external to God in the will of man. Verse 8a declares that by grace believers have been and are kept in the state of salvation (a periphrastic construction with a pres. vb. and perf. ptc.).1216 Then follow the words, “…by faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast” (v. 8–9),1217 followed by the explanation that believers are the result of Divine craftsmanship, created unto good works, which God has foreordained that we should walk in them.” This explanation is emphatic that salvation—everything connected with salvation from beginning to end—is of God, not of man or human merit.12181213
Acts 18:27, …toi/j pepisteuko,sin dia. th/j ca,ritoj. perf. rel. ptc., “the ones believing and continuing to believe through [by means of] grace.” Cf. Phil. 1:29 with the pres. tense vb., and Eph. 2:8, with the pres. tense vb. and perf. ptc. in a periphras. const. 1214 Phil. 1:29, o[ti u`mi/n evcari,sqh [given as a gift of grace—freely. The vb. is the verbalization of the term “grace”] to. u`pe.r Cristou/( ouv mo,non to. eivj auvto.n pisteu,ein [on him to continue to believe, pres. inf.] avlla. kai. to. u`pe.r auvtou/ pa,scein [also for him to continue to suffer, pres. inf.]. Believing grace and suffering grace are both gifts of God’s free grace. 1215 2 Thess. 3:2, … ouv ga.r pa,ntwn h` pi,stijÅ Faith is articular, but, as the context refers not to doctrine, but to the essence of faith, the def. art. points to the unique nature of true, saving faith. 4548. The locus classicus is found in Eph. 2:1–10. This passage begins with the free and sovereign grace of God imparting spiritual life to those who were dead in trespasses and sin and “…children of wrath, even as others” (v. 1–3). God—and God alone in grace—makes the difference. These had to be made spiritually alive with [in] Christ. The Divine commentary, set in parentheses, is that this—and nothing less than this—that salvation is by grace, completely unmerited favor in the stead of merited wrath (v. 4–5). The motivation in salvation is internal to7. 2 Thess. 3:2, “…for all men have not faith.” If saving faith is mere human trust, then all men would have faith, they simply do not move it in the right direction to Christ. This statement only makes sense if saving faith is the gift of God
1215 If saving faith were merely human trust, then one might believe and then apostatize [cease believing or becoming a non–believer] from Christ and be finally lost. This must be assumed if the doctrines of “free will” and faith as human trust are allowed to stand. The issue is one of a consistent as opposed to an inconsistent Pelagianism.6.
Phil. 1:29, “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake…” As a gift of God’s free grace of behalf of Christ…to continue to believe on him…” Again, grace and belief are place in juxtaposition to emphasize faith as the gift of God.12145. 1 Cor. 15:2, “By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.” The meaning is, “believed to no purpose,” a mere intellectual ascent. But if saving faith is merely human trust, then an intellectual ascent to the facts of the gospel would be true faith. Indeed, it would be impossible, under the modern Pelagian idea, for this not to be saving faith, as all faith is merely subjective and must be taken on its mere claim to exist.4. 1 Cor. 2:5 is significant: “that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” Mere human trust would be of man, not necessarily of God. Such would be merely psychological and not spiritual. Their conversion experience under Paul’s authoritative preaching, which demonstrated the unction of the Spirit, witnessed to the true spirituality of their faith. Thus, it is the essence or nature of their faith, not its content, which is in view in this passage.3. Rom. 4:16 is a vital statement: “Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed…” If saving faith were mere human trust, then the promise might not be sure, as the determining factor would be the “free will” of the sinner, not the certainty of Divine grace. The very biblical principle of grace necessitates faith being the gift of God, i.e., a true and vital faith (Cf. Rom. 4:10–18).parallel to that of Eph. 2:8, “by grace you have been saved and continue in this state of salvation.”12131210 “| w`risme,nh| boulh/| kai. prognw,sei tou/ qeou/...” The construction is that of the combined use of the articular and anarthrous connected with a single definite article and the co– ordinate conjunction kai., both substantives being of the same case. The second term, “foreknowledge,” thus refers to and further enforces the first, “determinate counsel”. This is an occurrence of the so–called “Granville Sharp’s rule”. 1211 Jn. 10:26, avlla. u`mei/j ouv pisteu,ete( o[ti ouvk evste. evk tw/n proba,twn tw/n evmw/nÅ “But you do not believe because you are not of my sheep, [I mean] those [which are] mine!” 1212 Acts 13:48, …kai. evpi,steusan o[soi h=san tetagme,noi eivj zwh.n aivw,nion\ Their ordination to eternal life by the eternal purpose and sovereign grace of God resulted in their believing. 4532. Acts 18:27, “…he…helped them much which had believed through grace.” This statement refers to Apollos, who strengthened the disciples in Achaia. They are described as those “who had believed through grace.” This designation can only mean that they believed or came to faith in Christ and continued in their profession “by” or “through” or “by means of” the work of Divine grace—a thought1. Acts 13:48, “…and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.”1212 This must not be reversed. These were disposed [ordained] by God to eternal life, and therefore believed. This alone is in accordance with the analogy of faith.Jn. 10:26, “But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep…”1211 It is not believing that makes one a “sheep” of Christ, but being a “sheep” of Christ results in one believing in him. Cf. the context in v. 1–16, 25–30. Note the following statements:Scriptural Statements and Theological Conclusions.The Definitive Statement. The orthodox teaching of both Scripture and theology is that saving faith is a gift of God graciously bestowed in the context of the redemptive purpose or the eternal covenant of redemption and grace. The elect of God in time, history and personal experience will be effectually called, regenerated and granted both faith and repentance so that they freely and willingly flee to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.NOTE on saving faith as the gift of God:[/COLOR][/B]