OldRegular, DHK, the bottom line is this: The Bible is not your only authority as you believe. The Church is the final authority {Mt 18:17-18; 1 Tim 3:15}. After all, the Catholic Church determined the canon of Scripture guided by the Holy Spirit along with the correct interpretation. She determined which books were inspired and which books were not. She is the "authentic interpreter of Scripture", not me or you.
Here you go again. You are spouting RCC propaganda with nothing to back it up. You throw in a few references but are unable to explain them. You can only assert that "The Church" (no such thing) is the final authority, but in reality there was no such thing as "The Church" that even existed for at least three centuries. Only "churches" existed. There was nothing that even remotely resembled a denomination in existence.
The Catholic Church had nothing to do with the Canon. That is a biased assertion by you. Catholic propaganda.
The Catholic Church has a false interpretation--easily proven to be false by the Word of God. It is heretical. What is the "new birth" for example. It certainly isn't baptism. Anyone on this board can demonstrate the foolishness of that position to you, and yet it is one of the most important doctrines in the Bible. In fact your eternal destiny hangs on that very doctrine.
The RCC is not the authentic interpreter of scripture any more than Joseph Smith or Charles Taze Russell is. That is Catholic propaganda and is just as foolish as Mormon and J.W. claims.
The Bible did not come first, because the Bible wasn't fully written until the end of the first century.
That is like saying Jesus and Paul did not come first. I suppose "The Church" preceded them also. The early believers were told to obey the "words and commands of: the prophets, Christ, and the apostles." They were never commanded to take heed to "The Church."
2 Peter 3:2 That ye may
be mindful of the words which were
spoken before
by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us
the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
--Obey the words of: 1. The prophets--the writers of the OT scriptures.
2. The Apostles--the writers of the NT scriptures.
--Nowhere in scripture is such a monstrosity as "The Church" as a denomination mentioned.
Further, the canon of Scripture wasn't determined until the end of the fourth century.
More RCC propaganda which is totally false. Did you read the link I gave you?
Here is Scripture:
I just quoted 2Pet.3:2
Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly
contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
--Jude was written in 70 A.D. one of the last books to be written. What do you think "the Faith" was that they were to contend for? It was the NT message that they had: Paul's epistles, Peter's epistles, the Gospels, Acts--all of these had been written before that time.
2 Peter 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as
our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him
hath written unto you;
16 As also
in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are
some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest,
as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
--It is evident to see that Peter considered Paul's epistles as Scripture.
He knew which ones were Scripture of course. The Lord illuminated him to this fact. Most of which he wrote turned out to be scripture.
And much of he wrote "those that were unlearned and unstable wrest as they did also the other scriptures to their own destruction." He spoke of the beginnings of the RCC, the false teachers.
Since there was no Bible, how is it that the Bible is the only authority? The answer is that we had the Church first, not the Bible.
No, God overrules "The RCC." You are very arrogant to think that the RCC can overrule God. Read 1Cor.12-14, where Paul takes corrective measures in the church of Corinth to those who were abusing spiritual gifts. Some of these gifts were given to the early churches to make up for lack of revelation (epistles not yet written). Paul's First Epistle to Corinth was written in 55 A.D. one of the first books of the Bible, written before many of the others. The gift of prophesy is spoken of quite a bit, especially in chapter 14. God provided revelation in this gift because NT revelation had not been given. By the end of the first century these gifts had ceased for the canon had been completed.
God is greater than "The Church."
The Bible doesn't even talk about a Bible; it talks about the Church.
The Bible never talks about "The Church," not even once. More Catholic propaganda that you can't prove through scripture. And yet it constantly speaks of "scripture," "revelation," "the Word of God," "thus saith the Lord," and many other such references. The very word "Biblios" is used in the NT from which we get our word Bible so your statement is made out of ignorance or is a plain lie. Probably it is Catholic propaganda given to you by those who don't know any better.
The word "scripture" is used 32 times in the Bible, and "scriptures" 21 times.
That is 53 times that scripture or scriptures is used. Isn't that good enough? That is what we refer to as our Bible--the Scriptures.
We also refer to it as the "Word of God," a phrase that it is used 106 times in the Bible," 57 of those times in the NT.
The Greek word "Biblios" translated "book" is used 13 times, and its relative "Bibliov" another 32 times where it is translated book, scroll, or writing. In English these words are otherwise translated Bible.
Let's go back in history to Moses. The people did not know that Moses' writings were inspired because Moses' writings said they were inspired (which is the Protestant argument). The Jews believed that Moses' writings were inspired because of the tradition and the authority God put over them, who said that Moses' writings were inspired?
That is not true.
The Israelites themselves heard the voice of God at Mount Sinai. They saw the signs, the thunderings, etc., and they were very much afraid.
They saw the miracles in Egypt--plagues which devastated the Egyptians but left them untouched.
God spoke audibly to their prophets many times: Samuel, Elijah, Moses, Joshua, etc. Would there be a reason to call them liars and call their testimony into question. Angels came and spoke to others such as Manaoh the father of Samson.
What does the Bible say about all of this:
Hebrews 1:1 God, who at
sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
--Do you question this happened?
There was no tradition here. The prophets were the authors of the OT. Even when Moses authored the first five books, do you not believe that the Holy Spirit could not guide him what to write? Is your faith that weak?
It was an authority outside of Moses' writings that determined Moses' writings were inspired.
That authority is called God. Do you believe Him? It is not the so-called "Church." You have been fed lies.
That is the Catholic position. We need an authority outside of Scripture to tell us what Scriptures are inspired, and what they mean.
Catholic propaganda, unsupported by Scripture. It is anti-biblical.
Moses was the one who infallibly interpreted the Scriptures for the people. The people didn't go off (like you Protestants) and interpret the Scriptures on their own. They were under the authority of Moses. This was the function of Moses in the Old Covenant, and is the function of Peter (and his succesors) in the New Covenant.
Peter was rebuked by Paul when he went wrong.
Galatians 2:11 But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because
he was to be blamed.
--At this point he was carried off with wrong doctrine along with other Judaizers. Paul came and rebuked him. Sola Scriptura was his guide.
Instead of tackling my arguments and inquiries head-on, you rather stay in your comfort zone and argue that nothing convinces you. An honest opponent would actually address the Fathers, exegete Scripture and offer his own patristic and biblical evidences to support his own positions. You don't appear to have any interest in the truth.
I have given you The Truth, the Word of God, at every point refuting every thing you have said. You have given me nothing but RCC propaganda which is truly pitiful. You have not been able to refute one thing I have said.
You mentioned that you are an ex-Catholic but never knew Jesus or the Bible as a Catholic, that can not be true, because Jesus was always there in His Church waiting for you,
The gospel was never preached, not once in the RCC. The RCC is not interested in preaching the gospel. As noted they don't even know what it means to be born again, and either do you know from previous discussions.
but you were not then ready for Him. And, if you had listen you would have heard the Holy Bible being read to you at every Mass.
I did hear the Bible, but I never heard the Bible preached, that is an exposition of the Bible or any exegesis of Scripture. The little homilies were just harmless little ditties not wanting to offend anyone. The gospel, per se, was never preached. But how would you know? You wouldn't know the gospel if it slammed you in the face!