DHK, I will give you a chance with your rebuttal of this, then we will take it to the next step, would that be acceptable my you ?
Is the Bible the "pillar of truth" in the Christian religion? No. According to the Bible Itself, the Church is the "pillar of truth" (1 Timothy 3:15), not the Bible. Some "Bible" Christians insist that a "pillar" (the Church) was created to "hold up" another structure (the Bible). They claim the Bible is the structure being held up according to this passage. Well, if that is the case, how did the early Church "hold up" the Bible for the first three to four hundred years when the Bible Itself didn't even exist?
At no time in history were God's people ever without God's revelation.
God's people have always had God's revelation--
They have NEVER been without it, and the RCC has no hand in taking credit for this wonderful fact.
Adam had revelation from God. He received it directly, as did Cain, Abel, Seth and others after him. So did Noah, and Abraham. They didn't have a Bible but they had direct revelation from God.
When God called Moses into the Mount he gave him two tablets upon which the Ten Commandments were written, commonly called the Law. But God gave him much more. He gave him instructions for the building of the tabernacle, all the Levitical Law, history, etc. Moses talked with God, as it were, face to face. Even Jesus acknowledges the first five books of the Bible as the books of Moses. Do you question the words of Jesus?
Hebrews 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
--The writer of the Book of Hebrews refers to all the OT and tells us that God is the author of it writing through the prophets.
--At all times through the OT times and on through the NT times did the Jews have the OT. It was fully completed ca. 450 B.C. Moses brought the Nation of Israel out of Egypt ca. 1440 B.C. and would have reached Mt. Sinai shortly thereafter. Today we have a book written over a period 1500 years, authored by over 40 different authors, containing 66 different books, and yet all united by one great theme--redemption through Jesus Christ. There are over 5,000 existing MSS in with no doctrine that contradicts another. Some of those MSS date back to the second century, just a few years from the death of John.
God has never left his people without revelation.
Secondly, let us consider your interpretation of 1Tim.3:15:
1 Timothy 3:14 These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:
--Paul is writing to Timothy as the pastor of the church at Ephesus, a local church. He is using the Great Temple of Diana in an allegorical way that Timothy could relate to. It had many pillars. Yet the word "church" always means "assembly."
15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
--Your contention is that: "church" is "pillar of truth." Does that make sense?
"... house of God, which is the church of the living God, "the church (and ground) " that is, "the church is the church" How profound. Doesn't make a bit of sense does it?
Paul refers to a structure (allegorically) which has pillars. The pillars hold up the truth, as it says. The structure is referred to as the church. The church has pillars. The pillars hold up the truth. The pillars are on a foundation.
1Cor.3:11 tells us that our foundation is Christ.
1Tim.3:15 tells us that we hold up the truth. Christ is the truth (Jn.14:6), and He if found in the Word of God--His revelation to mankind. God has never left mankind without revelation.
"The church is not the church." What sense is that?
Your interpretation makes no sense.
Also, even if the Church is only a "pillar" holding up the Bible, doesn't that mean that the Church is the interpreter of Scripture rather than the individual?
Every local church has ordained pastors whose duty it is to study the Word of God.
Acts 6:4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
--They were not commanded to follow the Catechism, Duh!
Is private interpretation of the Bible condoned in the Bible Itself? No, it is not (2 Peter 1:20).
Private interpretation is condemned. That is the practice held in common by the RCC, Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russel, Ellen G. White, and others.
Personal interpretation is condoned and encouraged by the Lord.
"You do err not knowing the Scriptures neither the power of God," Jesus said to the Pharisees and Sadducees. It was their personal duty to study God's Word, not a Catechism.
Was individual interpretation of Scripture practiced by the early Christians or the Jews? Again, "NO" (Acts 8:29-35). The assertion that individuals can correctly interpret Scripture is false.
You are wrong. It is encouraged.
Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
--That is what the Bereans were doing, and they were condoned for doing so.
They were called "noble" for doing so.
The Ethiopian Eunuch was right in studying the Book of Isaiah. It made him thirst for more.
Even the "founder" of Sola Scriptura (Martin Luther), near the end of his life, was afraid that "any milkmaid who could read" would found a new Christian denomination based on his or her "interpretation" of the Bible.
You are deluded into thinking he was the founded of "sola scriptura."
Your anecdote is irrelevant to Biblical truths.
Luther opened a "Pandora's Box" when he insisted that the Bible could be interpreted by individuals and that It is the sole authority of Christianity.
That Biblical truth has been asserted by believers throughout centuries from the Apostles onward. Your eyes have been blinded by RCC propaganda.
Why do we have thousands different non-Catholic Christian denominations? The reason is individuals' "different" interpretations of the Bible. Please explain this DHK, when considering that Jesus was absolutely against this, Jesus wants only unity. Yes we have a few splinters but they all agree with the same Doctrine as passed on by the Teachings of Jesus to His Apostles and they to their Successors. Every Church that is truly from Jesus has been passed on down from one of Jesus' apostles.
You have been fed lies and repeat the same lies over and over again. Why do you insist on doing so? Are you a RCC propaganda machine. I have explained this to you before. So has Rebel; so has Yeshua. Yet you keep posting the same lies. Why?