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For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Jesus warns of miracle workers posing as faithful, pious Christians.
Not only will they pose as faithful, pious Christians, they will be exalted as ‘Christs.’
In other words, they will claim the offices of ‘Christ’: prophet of God, High Priest offering propitiatory sacrifices to God, in addition to being the King of the Kingdom of God.
As willingly and blindly deceived onlookers, all the world will wonder after these ‘beasts.’
But not the Elect, Christ promises.
The Apostle Paul proclaims similar warnings:
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.
Paul’s predicted Man of Sin and Jesus’ predicted false Christs are one and the same: Antichrist.
For a minimum of 10 centuries Christians have understood and taught the Man of Sin, the Antichrist, is the Papal officeholder who claims to ‘come in the name of Christ’ as the ‘Vicar of Christ.’
‘Vicar’ is synonymous with the Greek prefix ‘anti’ in that they both denote ‘substitution,’ one who comes ‘in the place of.‘
But most importantly, the Greek prefix ‘anti’ also denotes ‘opposition to.’
Antichrist claims to be ‘for’ Christ when, in fact, he is ‘against’ Christ.
Antichrist is the human archenemy of Christ.
He is the spiritual son of Satan, the son of Perdition.
Christians understood that Antichrist was a dynasty of men who occupied the same Papal office ‘one man/one Antichrist’ at a time.
When the current Antichrist died, another would take his place.
This is the case with the Papacy.
To date there have been 266 Antichrists, depending on who is doing the counting.
Today’s current Antichrist is much kinder and gentler than the Antichrists of previous generations.
Pope Francis loves everybody with welcoming, open arms.
But don’t be fooled.
Under that smiling, soft and friendly countenance is an idolatrous, Christ-hater, hell bent on destroying as many souls as Satan commands.
To further enhance his ability to deceive, Pope Francis has just been declared a worker of miracles.
By kissing a relic allegedly containing the 1,700-year-old blood of the Patron Saint of Naples, the blood became immediately liquefied.
Once again, the Man of Sin, the False Christ, Antichrist, is given the satanic power to perform signs and lying wonders which the world views with admiration and amazement.
But the Elect are not deceived.
Lamentably, today’s average professing Christian has not a clue as to the utter impossibility of another Antichrist arising who is not in any way, shape or form related to the Papal office.
Fictitious, absurd and preposterous theories are none ending when it comes to 'predicting' the ever soon coming future Antichrist.
To these naïve brethren the mystery of iniquity is still that: a mystery.
Jesus warns of miracle workers posing as faithful, pious Christians.
Not only will they pose as faithful, pious Christians, they will be exalted as ‘Christs.’
In other words, they will claim the offices of ‘Christ’: prophet of God, High Priest offering propitiatory sacrifices to God, in addition to being the King of the Kingdom of God.
As willingly and blindly deceived onlookers, all the world will wonder after these ‘beasts.’
But not the Elect, Christ promises.
The Apostle Paul proclaims similar warnings:
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.
Paul’s predicted Man of Sin and Jesus’ predicted false Christs are one and the same: Antichrist.
For a minimum of 10 centuries Christians have understood and taught the Man of Sin, the Antichrist, is the Papal officeholder who claims to ‘come in the name of Christ’ as the ‘Vicar of Christ.’
‘Vicar’ is synonymous with the Greek prefix ‘anti’ in that they both denote ‘substitution,’ one who comes ‘in the place of.‘
But most importantly, the Greek prefix ‘anti’ also denotes ‘opposition to.’
Antichrist claims to be ‘for’ Christ when, in fact, he is ‘against’ Christ.
Antichrist is the human archenemy of Christ.
He is the spiritual son of Satan, the son of Perdition.
Christians understood that Antichrist was a dynasty of men who occupied the same Papal office ‘one man/one Antichrist’ at a time.
When the current Antichrist died, another would take his place.
This is the case with the Papacy.
To date there have been 266 Antichrists, depending on who is doing the counting.
Today’s current Antichrist is much kinder and gentler than the Antichrists of previous generations.
Pope Francis loves everybody with welcoming, open arms.
But don’t be fooled.
Under that smiling, soft and friendly countenance is an idolatrous, Christ-hater, hell bent on destroying as many souls as Satan commands.
To further enhance his ability to deceive, Pope Francis has just been declared a worker of miracles.
By kissing a relic allegedly containing the 1,700-year-old blood of the Patron Saint of Naples, the blood became immediately liquefied.
Once again, the Man of Sin, the False Christ, Antichrist, is given the satanic power to perform signs and lying wonders which the world views with admiration and amazement.
But the Elect are not deceived.
Lamentably, today’s average professing Christian has not a clue as to the utter impossibility of another Antichrist arising who is not in any way, shape or form related to the Papal office.
Fictitious, absurd and preposterous theories are none ending when it comes to 'predicting' the ever soon coming future Antichrist.
To these naïve brethren the mystery of iniquity is still that: a mystery.