Au contraire, Brother. There is nothing new under the sun, and you are far from the first to suggest that we should study Scripture only and depend upon the Holy Spirit to guide us.
This is life saving advice friend, why did you not take it? Have your teachers convinced you that they know God's Mind better than His Spirit? There comes a time when you must wean yourself from Milk and stand on your own feet with God.
I can't help but wonder who had influence upon you that you hold this opinion. How could you possibly know that "most have been indoctrinated"? There have indeed been (and will continue to be) great men of God until Christ returns. Which specific denominations tell us to listen to men instead of God's Word? Rather, most tell us just the opposite; we are encouraged to follow the Bereans' example (Acts 17:10-12) and study the Scripture to see whether the things we are taught are true.
Are these serious questions friend?
What lead me to this experiment nine years ago is explained very well on the site unless you merely skimmed it. I have also summarized these answers in this thread unless you also merely skimmed them in anticipation of your own comments.
You said that "everything thought of these days as Bible based is from Rome and not the New Testament". If that is true, you should be able to provide several examples. I'd settle for two or three. The views on the "Fundamentalist Apostasy" article are just opinions of men. I believe that article takes passages out of context (in the "church administration apostasy" paragraph). Likewise, in Acts 4:32 (sharing all things in common), Luke is telling us what they did; this is not instructions for us to do the same thing. This is similar to passages about women's head coverings and keeping silent in church. While the New Testament provides many examples of how the early church operated, these examples do not necessarily mandate that this is how we must run the church. Nothing in the NT prohibits today's practices of seminaries or tax exemptions.
If the New Testament is not the sole and final authority on how your sect operates then who or what is? The world? The denominational headquarters? Some gainsayer's merchandizing of God? If the New Testament is not the sole authority then your soul's fate is truly hit or miss depending upon the personal agendas of the men you follow.
Oh dear friend, you prove every point I am making with your traditions. Our Lord rebuked those of this same persuasion as hypocrites whom make His Word of none effect with made up traditions. No doubt your guides think our Lord meant His rebukes only for the religious hypocrites of His day, another grievous error on your sect's part. Where do you think your sect's traditions actually came from? You truly cannot see the grievous errors of what you say in these responses.
Does your sect also (falsely) claim that the New Testament is the final authority on faith and practice when you just admitted they do not? Most do claim this so I ask. This is how the mother's harlot denominations usually operate. They lie and claim God's Word as final authority but their practice comes from the world and Rome.
Your admittance is at least honest but why can't you see the apostasy of it. This is cognitive dissonance, the main symptom of brainwashing. You sound just like I used to before I forsook men's lies and hypocrisy and turned to God's Word only.
The website itself is full of men's opinions. For instance, the articles in three of the links are specifically about the "end times". One can find support for several "end times" views in Scripture (pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib views of "the rapture", and a couple of different preterist views). Since there is strong support for each of those positions, how do you know your view is correct? This is just one area where we can benefit from commentaries from theologians. What about different views on baptism? There are also different views on whether the Gifts of the Spirit are still active today. Does Scripture mandate which day of the week we are to worship? Each of these are examples of areas where extra-Biblical sources from learned theologians are helpful. The Holy Spirit does indeed guide us as we study, but that does not exclude using extra-Biblical sources.
So what your "theologians" (sic) have deluded you into believing is that there is no correct answer from God's contextual Word on each of these? Do you actually believe what you write here? This sounds more agnostic than even religious.
Sorry friend, but all the "great men" of God in your mind have led you astray. But they get paid well for their hit and misses and have worldly credentials on the wall demanding our reverence so we place them on unscriptural pedestals and have made ourselves dependent on their words and blind without their "glasses". Are you truly convinced that you cannot walk with God on your own?