You read the whole thing? Didn't have the time, just skimmed through it, but is very weird, but I guess that's to be expected of somebody capable of doing this.
Claims to be a eco-fascist, whatever that it, former libertarian, former anarchist, former communist. Also had a big pagan vibe to the ravings, and why would some Australian be that obsession with the US's 2A? Very early, and he's alive so I may revise my opinion, but the killer comes off to me as a REAL NAZI with all the racism and nationalism he self-professes but then a real Nazi would ally with the Muslims, worry about HIS country and go after a synagogue.
Forget it, the guy is a total loon, some Charles Manson Aussie version. He wanted to start a global "race war" and then take over but Muslims aren't even a race but applying logic to this guy is going to fail. The world continues to crumble . . .