Remember when the President said he wasn’t going to take a salary? He just accepted his second paycheck.
Remember when he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall? He has said he will ask Congress for taxpayer money to cover costs.
Remember when he criticized Obama for going on vacation and/or playing golf? Trump goes to Mar-a-Lago most weekends and he's gone golfing 12 times in the 9 weeks he's been President.
Remember when he said he was going to use American steel to build the XL pipeline? For the most part American steel is not being used.
Remember when he said that nobody on his campaign had any communications with the Russian government? Several of his people have now admitted they spoke and/or met with Russian officials, after they lied and got caught.
Remember when he said he was going to divest from his businesses? Hasn't done so. Still reads business reports from his companies.
Remember when he said he was going to release his tax returns? Hasn't done so because he's being audited AND he's being audited because, as he said, "I'm such a strong Christian."
Remember when he said he was going to drain the swamp of elites and Washington insiders? His cabinet is filled with lobbyists, oil and Wall Street executives.
Remember when he said he had a secret plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days and would implement it on Day One of his presidency? He doesn't have a plan, or hasn't defeated ISIS, take your pick.
Remember when he said that the Obamacare replacement would cover more people at lower cost? The AHCA was pulled without a vote.
3 US CODE sub section 102
The President shall receive in full for his services during the term for which he shall have been elected compensation...
If he elects to give it away, that's his business.
We can send Mexico boo coo bucks, as now, or cut sending them money and appropriate that money toward the wall.
So he criticized Barry, so what? You just criticized Trump. So what? How is that a lie?
Do you think Trump instructed campaigners to speak to the Russian govt.? I don't. Had any of his campaigners told Trump that was their intent or that they did? And what is more important, that Trump didn't believe any campaigners had spoken to the Russians, or what the campaigners spoke to the Russian govt about? The charge was some sort of conspiracy. Was there? And if so, what was it?
People were pressuring him for his Tax returns. He responded with an Audit, and an if then. He should of said it none of your damn business, because it isn't, and he has no legal obligation to oblige the public.
Did he also say, his ISIS plan would be front page news? Actually he said things in the opposite regard.
Still reads his business reports? Petty.
And not news ~ As enemies of the State are on "watch lists", so are "Christians".
Federal Government lists Evangelical Christianity as a top terrorist threat.
I like Trump. Unlike career politicians, who talk in circles saying noting, Trump says the same things the people at large say. Having ideas and determination and confidence are IMO strong points. Being a side-line critic is of little interest to me. A couple of months in office and people are complaining while seemingly not noticing he has a protocol to follow and a brick wall called Democrats.