55% of the infections are among the cv vaxed ... which happens to mirror the percentage of cv vaxed? ... or is there a 50% undecided? (to reduce that cv vaxed infection percentage a tad bit or two)
60% of the deaths are of cv vaxed?
Jon ... I accept that perfection is unattainable ... but this doesn't speak well of the cv vax.
You ate playing a numbers game.
Lets go with your numbers and say 50% of covid deaths were among the vaccinated. But the vaccinated are a larger population. To come up with a usable figure you have to include the number in each group who did not die.
Let's reduce the population for illustration.
Let's say the world population is 100 people. Let's say 20 people died of covid, split 50/50.
You can say 50% of the deaths were vaccinated. But to use the information we need to know 80 are vaccinated and 20 unvacvinated.
Then you get 10/80 vaccinated died and 10/20 unvacvinated died.
This would be closer to accurate data. Unvacvinated deaths are 40% higher than vaccinated deaths.