They are not advocating violence is any form.
You must not have read what I read then.
Both are issues of protection - protecting the innocent unborn and protecting one's property; which, for many small business owners is their life.
That's what insurance is for. You don't have to sit at your place of business with a gun with the intent to shoot a trespasser. That's why it's illegal in most states.
If your PERSON is not in danger of life or limb, then there is no legal reason for you to be sitting, waiting to shoot somebody over replaceable STUFF.
This is the type of craziness that makes the jobs of police officers more difficult.
Instead of just managing and arresting a bunch of rioters, they have to run around and try to stop another bunch of crazies from trying to take the law into their own hands.
I wonder how many owners have ended up dead trying to protect STUFF? I'm sure their friends and families would have just assumed they came home and let the police deal with the mess.
If someone breaks into my place of business, especially if I were a white Ferguson business owner, I could only assume they are intending to do me personal harm. I will shoot every time rather than take the chance that they are "peaceful looters."
Then you as a white Ferguson business owner deserve to be charged with murder as what you're talking about is illegal.
Odd again how shooting someone is now not viewed as violence..
If you've got to lock up your place of business because you think rioting is about to take place, then GO HOME.
Otherwise it legally looks like you were waiting in ambush to shoot someone who tried to loot your place of business.
It's against the law.