I don’t question him. I do believe him. I don’t need to hear Bro Mitch L. Canupp. I have probably read and studied more about this than he has. The question for you is, Where did God tell you that the KJV is the only word of God? I have missed that somewhere. I have several KJVs, including the Oxford and the Cambridge (which are different) and can find no verse where God identifies the 1611 as the only word of God. Since he hasn’t said it, I do not see why I should be held to your standard.Larry,Why do you question God? Just believe him.
When I read Scripture, I do not doubt whether I have the word of God or not. IF there is any doubt, it is yours. In fact, I preached from 1 John 5:5-12 this morning (my 28th message in the book of 1 John) and explained to them how 5:7-8 got added into the KJV. In fact, after studying this passage this week, I wonder how anyone can believe it is authentic. It makes no sense whatsoever in the passage. It is certainly a true statement; it simply has nothing to do with what John was talking about.
I am glad that you know you have God’s word in your hand when you read your Bible. I am also glad that I know that I have God’s word in my hand. I baptized a lady this morning after being a Catholic for 57 years who was saved and discipled out of the NASB and NKJV. I have been discipling her and another lady who brings a KJV to discipleship studies and I constantly have to explain things that are perfectly clear in the NKJV and the NASB. That is why I switched. I want to spend my time preaching God’s word and applying it to our everyday lives rather than explaining English that we do not use anymore.
To KJV1611Only, I read your list (which is only partial) and I have a few questions:
1. Every single one involves an addition or a deletion or a clear change in God’s word. Now who appointed anyone to change God’s word?
2. And you say they are small changes – who appointed you to decide what is insignificant and small?
3. And why do you continue to claim that the 1611 is the perfect Word of God when these changes are all clearly after 1611? If it was perfect, why did it have to be changed?
4. Why couldn't God keep the printer's errors, the spelling errors out of it and why didn't he get the language right the first time?
You speak of Matthew 8:2. If you get out your lexicon you will find that the word means to kneel or bow low. Therefore, the NIV is exactly right. And what is the difference between kneeling at his feet and worship. After all, Phil 2:10-11 says that one day, every knee will bow. Is that wrong to? Or is the NIV within the meaning of the word?
In John 13:23, again if you study, you will find that the word means to be seated at a table as a dinner guest or to recline. So again, clearly the NIV is right. The KJV's translation is an interpretation, something that Thomas always reminds is not the role of a translator.
In Acts 2:27, the NIV likely followed closer the idea of the OT quotation in Psalm 16:11 where ‘grave’ is clearly the meaning. Since we believe that the NT use the OT authors accurately, “grave” is indeed the idea. It was the issue of life and death, of the eternal resurrection vs. being left in the grave, not heaven and hell.
I can quite well conceive of this. What I can’t find is the theological and historical proof of it, something you have yet to offer.preserved hispure infallable Word, without error in ONE book alone, for the common man to read, in his language... that is what is really impossible for you to conceive.
Which is why I ask you again which KJV is the Word of God? They can’t be from the same God because they don’t all read the same. This is so obvious, it is hard to imagine you won’t answer it. It is a simple question: Which KJV is the Word of God and how do you know? And why did God leave his people without his word for 1600 years (since every version prior to the KJV doesn't read the same and therefore can't be from teh same God)?you have not yet taken a stand on which book you believe to be the absolute pure word of God without error. but i guess you saying that all bibles are the word of God was an attempt to dodge the question..They can't be from the same God becasue they all don't READ THE SAME
All I am asking you to do is apply your logic to the KJV. Be consistent, that is all.