Originally posted by Tanker:
>>>>2. Lyndon Johnson : Got rich, at the expense of GI blood, by maintaining a no-win combat doctrine in Southeast Asia.<<<<<
Comment: I think you will have a hard time proving that claim.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Kickbacks occur in many ways, and our presidents and their political associates have
always found ways to benefit from the wars they wage. Brown & Root, for example, financed Lyndon Johnson's election to the U.S. Senate in 1948, back in the days when political payoffs were strictly cash and carry. In return Johnson steered
numerous defense contracts in its direction, enabling Brown & Root to pioneer Texas's ascent as America's preeminent military-industrial welfare state. During the Vietnam War, LBJ also made sure that Brown & Root received more than its fair share of lucrative contracts to build roads, airports, harbors, military bases, pipelines and barracks from one end of South Vietnam to the other. Those Vietnam contracts
helped Brown & Root expand its operations around the world, and today it employs some 20,000 people and operates in more than 100 countries. http://www.u-grenoble3.fr/ciesimsa/ateliers/a15/art15-30.html
>>>>>>3. Truman : Committed US troops to a no-win war in Korea. His administration was infested with Communists while at the same time we were fighting Communists.<<<<<
suppose you name the communists in his administration </font>[/QUOTE]Harry Dexter White - Assistant Secretary of the Treasury: appointed by Truman to lead the IMF.
Alger Hiss: Convicted of spying. He was a State Department official and had been around during the FDR administration also. Chief founding father of the U.N. (Put his name in any search engine and you will find out all that you need to know about him).
Dean Acheson - Secretary of State: Although not a Communist, mainntained his close association with Alger Hiss after Hiss's spying became common knowledge and allowed security at the US
Department of State to remain lax despite evidence of Soviet spies.
Truman's love for Communists was demonstrated during WW2, when he halted the American advance toward Berlin, in order to allow the Soviets to take it. When the Soviets became bogged down and ran out of supplies, he had our forces resupply them. It was Truman more than anyone who was responsible for the divided Germany.
He again showed his colors during the Korean War when he forbade McArthur from bombing the bridges that the Chinese were using to infiltrate the south. McArthur was fired when he violated a gag order and responded to a congressman's question, telling him about being banned from bombing the bridges.
Truman declined to run for reelection in 1952 because of our failure to win in Korea and evidence of Communist infiltration in his own administration.
>>>>1. Clinton : Traitor, liar, murderer, sexual pervert<<<<<<
Who did he murder and what is your proof?
Thanks for an easy question. I assume that you are comfortable with liar, traitor, and sexual pervert. I also forgot to add rapist to the list.
Abortion is murder, but partial birth abortion is vile and in-your-face infanticide. The baby comes within a couple of inches of being completely free and breathing on it's own, then a hole is punched into it's head and it's brain is vacuumed out. Clinton vetoed the partial birth abortion twice, falsely citing the mother's health as his concern. Few things are more harmful to a woman than a breach birth, and the baby is put into a breach position in order to do the procedure.
There was also Ron Brown, a cabinet official who didn't get an autopsy following his death. He had a neat, round hole in the top of his head, about the size of a 45 slug, not consistant with any type of injury that someone would get from a plane crash.
You know of the Vince Foster controversey also, I am sure. Too many of Clinton's close associates died within a short time for me not to suspect that he had something to do with it all.