Romans 6:17 But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin,but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine that was delivered to you.
And I believe that that cannot occur unless a person is born again. I am just pointing out that as a human in a physical body your response to being acted upon by the Spirit will be rational and involve actual mental processes which are described in ways like closing with Christ, relying on Christ, believing on Christ, repenting, accepting Christ. These involve the will - regenerated, yes but still your rational thought processes and belief. Faith, though a grace, will be exercised by you.
This is why a Puritan preacher can tell his flock to press into the Kingdom, strive to enter the straight gate, take heaven by violence and still be a five point Calvinist. (And remember, Church was mandatory so no one can say they were preaching to only a saved audience - and they were aware of that.)