Well, it didn't take long to get the negative comments going. Sorry, Alexander. And they say the it's the KJVO people causing contention!
In answer to your OP....I use the KJV because I've used, and memorized, it since I was six years old and first learned to read. And that's a l-o-n-g time ago!
I have no problem with people using whatever verison they want. I sometimes use the NKJV, but always find myself going back to my old, marked up, duct taped, 30 year old, KJV. Just my personal preference. In my church I'm among the very, very few who still use the KJV. Most of those few are older, like me, and it's just what they grew up with. However, unlike the accusations presented on here, there are no disputes, arguments, or church splitting in our congregation over the issue of Bible versions. I don't believe that is nearly as serious an issue as those on here try to make it. JMHO.