1) Note that this post simply casts aspersions, but fails to actually address our doctrinal differences.
2) Luke 24:44 (NASB)
Now He said to them, “These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all [these] things that are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.”
Here we have yet another effort to expand (add to) God's word, such that all of the things written about Christ are in view, rather than the things in contextual view, found in Luke 24:46-48.
3) The universal church is a well known concept, and to suggest I made it up is ludicrous.
4) Since the "general assembly" is comprised of those born anew, one must conclude those that had obtained approval before Christ died, were subsequently made perfect (after Christ died) and then they were brought to heaven. See Hebrews 12:23
5) Universal Church = All Israel = everyone that belongs to Christ, Jews and Gentiles.
You have said more than once and have demonstrated it often that you do not believe the words in my Bible or in yours and you are willing at any given moment to rewrite them to suit yourself. So my question to you is this. If you don't believe them why would you ask me to believe them? There is a good chance that if you were able to convince me of certain words in this thread, you would have different words in the next one and the process would need to begin all over again.
When you tell me you do not believe the words please don't complain when I believe you. I don't believe anything you say because you are your own authority. We are not discussing the same Bible, the same words, or. I believe, the same God. The reason I say that is because your record of your God is not the same as mine.